A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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(our ray). We take only the Absolute as a whole, and then only one <strong>of</strong>each worlds.MR. N. I don't understand the difference between bounded and unlimiteduniverse.MR. O. Better to say finite, yet unlimited. Limited is when you knowthe limit. The idea <strong>of</strong> finite universe is necessary. In the system thiswas accepted long ago. Even the time <strong>of</strong> the Absolute is known. Andif the life <strong>of</strong> the Absolute is limited, then its extension in space is alsolimited. Take this as an idea. In mathematical sense even infinity meanssimply limit <strong>of</strong> possible calculation. But physically infinity <strong>com</strong>es muchnearer to us. Two things <strong>com</strong>pared <strong>by</strong> size may be mathematicallycalculable and yet one is infinity in relation to another. But that is notimportant. What is interesting is the correspondence between scientificideas and the ideas <strong>of</strong> the system. Forty years ago it was much moredifficult to fit the ideas <strong>of</strong> physics into the system than it is now. Notall is right, but lately physics has made tremendous steps forward.MR. R. How could modern science <strong>com</strong>e into line with the system?MR. O. By development <strong>of</strong> mathematics. . . .MRS. A . Was it an orderly and intended explosion?MR. O. Explosion is' metaphorical. You ask if it was intentional oraccidental. We can use these terms only in relation to ourselves but notto the worlds. Different laws work in the worlds. You must rememberthat the production <strong>of</strong> the first world is intentional. After that itbe<strong>com</strong>es more and more accidental or mechanical. Will <strong>of</strong> the Absoluteonly reaches World 3. The further from the Absolute, the moremechanical laws are at work.MR. H. Is it possible that the Ray <strong>of</strong> Creation can change and <strong>com</strong>e toan end?MR. O. It is like a branch <strong>of</strong> a tree. Moon is the growing end. It maygrow, and another moon may appear. But there is no cosmic necessityin this, it can also stop growing, and it can die, like every otherbranch.Understanding <strong>of</strong> the Ray <strong>of</strong> Creation is <strong>of</strong> great help. It helps youto keep your mind from wandering, and the understanding <strong>of</strong> the lawsbrings one to a higher level <strong>of</strong> thinking.

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