A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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exception <strong>of</strong> quite extreme cases, everybody am continue to do andlive as one is accustomed, because this is a dung that does not needspecial time. Everything one does can be<strong>com</strong>e work, there is nothingthat one does in ordinary way that cannot be<strong>com</strong>e work if one tries toremember oneself, tries not to identify, tries to understand that every­thing happens, and so on; it is not necessary to change circumstances,quite opposite —to change circumstances is even worse, particularly inthe beginning; later it may be useful but not in the beginning.Q . What do you mean <strong>by</strong> general organization as opposed to being putin groups?MR. O. I think it is quite clear what I said, that every kind <strong>of</strong> workneeds certain plan and certain organization. A certain number <strong>of</strong>people have to take part in some kind <strong>of</strong> work—suppose ordinaryschool—you must know who will do this and who will do that, all thatwill be arranged.Q . I think you spoke about organization that you could do for yourselfas opposed to what will be arranged. MR. O. No. I said you must think—you will think about one thing andthink about another thing—'doing' <strong>com</strong>es much later, first it is neces­sary to have plan.Q . I cannot make out why we should try to do it, because if we are allmechanical third man, why do we try to do anything? If we have aschool what is the object—can we do anything?MR. O. If there was no possibility then there would be no talk—butthere is possibility, that is the difference, you know; this is the pointwhere this system differs from other existing systems, because existingsystems say, ' Do this' or 'Do that' or 'Not do', but in this system weknow that it is impossible to do, everything happens, but we knowthat there are possibilities, no definite power to do or not to do, butpossibility to develop this power, so I never denied possibility, but Isaid we have not full power. Possibility can b e developed in certaincircumstances, certain conditions, but to <strong>com</strong>e closer to the subject,two things can develop, knowledge and being. First our knowledgemust change, we must change our points <strong>of</strong> view, we must see thingsas they really are not as we imagine them to be, and at the same timewe must work on our being; it begins <strong>by</strong> trying to remember ourselvesbecause this is the first feature <strong>of</strong> our being which we find, that wedon't remember ourselves. If we find we do not remember ourselves,

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