A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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Wednesday. February 8th 1939. (Colet Gardens.)MR. C. Is it <strong>of</strong> practical use to think <strong>of</strong> the events <strong>of</strong> one's past lifewhen trying to self-remember, with a view to fixing them for anyfuture recurrence?MR. O. No, this is not practical. First, as I said, it is necessary to besure about future recurrence, and second, it is necessary to be sure <strong>of</strong>remembering yourself. If you put too much like that, it transforms intoimagination, nothing else. But if we first try to remember ourselveswithout adding anything to it, and then, when we can, also about ourpast life—you remember I spoke about trying to find cross-roads—then in <strong>com</strong>bination it will be very useful. Only don't think you can doit, you cannot do it yet.MR. C. I see the Oxford dictionary gives two meanings for the word'transformism': (1) Any doctrine <strong>of</strong> the evolution <strong>of</strong> the species (2)Gradual evolution <strong>of</strong> morals and social relations.MR. O. Yes, but morals and social relations don't enter into this. Wespeak only about change <strong>of</strong> beings. Certainly transformation is used inmany senses—in the sense <strong>of</strong> evolution, metamorphosis (as in the case<strong>of</strong> the butterfly), metamorphosis in the fairy tale sense—so there aremany meanings.MISS S I did not understand well enough what we were to look forabout transformism.MR. O. All that you can find. First <strong>of</strong> all it is necessary to establishgradation—in which sense the idea is used first, then how the meaning<strong>of</strong> the word went through a certain transformation, how it becameconnected with certain scientific theories which took a certain definiteshape during the nineteenth century. So it is necessary to knowtransformism in that sense Other meanings we must know only to putthem aside Only this idea <strong>of</strong> evolution, <strong>of</strong> the origin <strong>of</strong> species, thetransformation <strong>of</strong> species interests us We must not insist on anyparticular theory, that is not our business. We must know the existing

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