A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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sends rays, so to speak, to every part <strong>of</strong> the body. Though they aredifferent for instinctive, emotional, etc.When we be<strong>com</strong>e more conscious we will be able to be in contactwith intellectual parts <strong>of</strong> centres. Now we cannot even control movingparts. That shows how little we know about ourselves.MRS. B. Are the accumulators connected with every little part <strong>of</strong> thebody too?MR. O. We may better take them as connected with centres. Eachcentre has two small accumulators. You remember how a man exhaustsone accumulator. Then he changes over, <strong>by</strong> yawning perhaps, and theother accumulator fills up.Here you can see eight accumulators. Actually we can count twelve.If, on the enneagram we take the intersection <strong>of</strong> the lines and <strong>of</strong> thetriangle and draw circles around them, you have twelve <strong>of</strong> the mostimportant accumulators. There are a thousand others. It is very interestingto study ordinary things, like eyes, ears, from this point <strong>of</strong> view.Ears are for listening, at the same time the inner ear gives sense <strong>of</strong>balance.MRS. A . What form <strong>of</strong> energies do the accumulators work on?MR. O. [Unrecorded.]MRS. N. What are the accumulators filled with?MR. O. Energy produced in the chemical factory.MRS. S. Imagination and identification use energy, do they not?MR. O. It is not indicated. Suppose you imagine on an empty accumulator.Then you smoke a cigarette and imagine some more.MRS. P. Does the sex centre use energy from the same source?MR. O. That's another thing. It doesn't enter at meetings.MISS R. Is effort an accumulator?MR. O. By effort we pump energy into accumulators.MRS. W. Can we increase or decrease the amount <strong>of</strong> energy in ouraccumulators?MR. O. No, it is difficult. But from the big accumulator the rightenergy is sent to each centre. Each centre receives energy as it needs.MRS. W. Does everyone have the same amount <strong>of</strong> energy?MR. O. By effort we make it flow quicker. . . .No, that was explained in relation to the Food Diagram. How tocreate more energy. 1MR. S. Is it a good idea to conserve energy? Not to waste it?

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