A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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MR. O. When you try to remember yourself—probably.***MR. O. I want to speak on two questions I received in letters. Someoneasks: If one feels something is wrong in oneself, should oneregard it as physical, mental or what? Well, everything is physical.We are physical and only physical things can happen to us. All therest is imaginary. So the principle is, first try to eliminate all physicalcauses. Connected with that are strange experiments I described inthe New Model long ago. I asked myself all the time: Could I inventthis? If I decided I could invent it, then I did not take it very seriously.The second thing is connected with a question which I always refuseto answer. That is: What is intuition? The mistake is to think that ifyou call something intuition, it is intuition. There is no pro<strong>of</strong>. But aswe know how to <strong>com</strong>e to that, I can answer—that if it is notimagination and so on, if it is really intuition, then it is the work <strong>of</strong> theintellectual part <strong>of</strong> emotional centre.MRS. B. Are Brahmin and the Absolute the same?MR. O. Brahmin is a high caste priest. Brahma is cosmic. They arequite different.MRS. B. Is Brahma as used in the cosmic sense the same as theAbsolute?MR. O. I don't know, because everybody can use it in his own sense.But sometimes, in older Hindu teaching, it may correspond. I evenspoke <strong>of</strong> it in connection with the Table <strong>of</strong> Time in DifferentCosmoses.MRS. B. Where is the Absolute with relation to that table?MR. O. It is impossible to try to answer such a question. What is theAtlantic Ocean in relation to this table? The Atlantic Ocean is muchsmaller than the Absolute, but this table does not exist in relation toit.MRS. P. If it is not possible for one to find a system <strong>of</strong> discipline foroneself, how can one develop?MR. O. What do you mean <strong>by</strong> a system <strong>of</strong> discipline for oneself?MRS. P. You said there were many systems <strong>of</strong> discipline. . . .MR. O. This word is used in many senses. But we speak only <strong>of</strong>schools. Or discipline <strong>of</strong> certain work. If one decides to do something,this immediately creates the necessity <strong>of</strong> certain discipline.

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