A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com

A Record of Meetings held by P.D. Ouspensky - HolyBooks.com


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MR. O. I will say when we <strong>com</strong>e to them.MISS T . How is it you obtain these different numbers—oxygen 768 andthen carbon 192, and so on?MR. O. 192 is there, in the body. Oxygen 768 meets with it and theymix together and produce 3 84.MISS T . How do they produce 384? Is it a matter <strong>of</strong> calculation?MR. O. Yes, you can take it like that.MR. S. Are the three carbons constantly present?MR. O. You mean 192, 96 and 48? Yes, they are always present—and24.MR. S. And each one is from the previous one?MR. O. Yes, carbons are there. Dr. R., explain what carbons are.DR. R. When food enters the mouth it meets with several differentsorts <strong>of</strong> saliva. This is part <strong>of</strong> 192. This transforms starch and otherparts <strong>of</strong> the food; and this digestion goes on in the stomach, wherefurther enzymes, peptic juices and so on, transform it further, breakingdown sugars, proteins, and fats. From there it <strong>com</strong>es into the smallintestine and meets with bile, pancreatic and intestinal juices, whichtransform it into the smallest elements. These go through the wall <strong>of</strong>the bowel into the venous blood, which is taken to the liver, where itmeets with other enzymes, which change it chemically, and so to theheart which pumps the venous blood to the lungs. Here is it oxygenated<strong>by</strong> the entry <strong>of</strong> air, and returned to the heart as arterial blood. Afterthat it is difficult to follow.MR. O. After that science cannot follow further. Science brings us onlyto 96. 96 is arterial blood. 48 can also be taken as blood, only it isblood with the addition <strong>of</strong> something. Science cannot say what thedifference is between 48 and 96. So, up to 96 we can go <strong>by</strong> the way <strong>of</strong>chemistry and physics, but further we can only go psychologically. Wecannot distinguish one matter from another, but when we <strong>com</strong>e tosensations, we can know sensations 48, sensations 24, sensations 12. Soreally we can follow through the whole diagram. It is a scheme only.Science doesn't lead us far—up to 96. But these carbons up to 96 weknow are many different matters in the body, such as saliva, and so on.They bring the food to such a state that it can be absorbed into thevenous blood, and the venous blood <strong>by</strong> way <strong>of</strong> the heart is then oxygenated.Q . Do the figures indicate anything but identity?

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