Managing Sticky Situations at Work

Managing Sticky Situations at Work

Managing Sticky Situations at Work


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<strong>Sticky</strong> <strong>Situ<strong>at</strong>ions</strong> with Clients 67‘‘Next time, if you can’t pay me, all I ask is for you to tell me. We canwork out a payment plan if necessary. It’s much better to say somethingthan to let the invoices go unpaid. Will you agree to do th<strong>at</strong>?’’‘‘Of course. I’m sorry. I just thought I’d be able to pay and everythingwould be fine. I’ll let you know if something comes up, though,and I can’t pay your next invoice.’’ANALYSISWill Chloe pay the bills? Brooks knows th<strong>at</strong> she’s a reliable client inevery way except payment. Now th<strong>at</strong> he’s talked to her directly aboutthe problem and made his position clear, she sees her choice. She musteither pay her bills or lose him as a coach. He did offer to allow her topay on a payment plan if she tells him she’s having trouble. BothChloe and Brooks are Symp<strong>at</strong>hetics and as such each wants to pleasethe other.Specify the Problem. Brooks began the session by st<strong>at</strong>ing the problem.Had he waited until the end of the session, he would have givenher one more ‘‘free’’ coaching opportunity. He not only st<strong>at</strong>ed theproblem he also told her he was disappointed th<strong>at</strong> she had not compliedwith their coaching agreement. For a Symp<strong>at</strong>hetic like Chloe,th<strong>at</strong> st<strong>at</strong>ement hit hard.Invite the Other Person to Talk. When Brooks asked Chloe aboutthe value of coaching to her, he gave her an opportunity to talk. Whiletalking, she shared how much Brooks had helped her with her financialproblems. She gave him credit for relieving her financial woes. Sheherself made it clear th<strong>at</strong> she needed to pay him for his work.Join Feeling with Fact. Once Chloe told Brooks how much coachinghad helped her, he reemphasized his feeling of distress th<strong>at</strong> she hadnot kept her part of the bargain.Resolve the Issue. As Symp<strong>at</strong>hetics, Chloe and Brooks had to avoidthe impulse to apologize to one another and then let the m<strong>at</strong>ter rest.Brooks forced himself to continue to ask Chloe how she planned topay him. When she offered to have the bill paid by the end of themonth, he pushed harder to make sure she understood he also wantedpayment for current sessions as well. Finally, he insisted th<strong>at</strong> she tellhim when she felt strapped. He let her know he’d work with her ifshe showed the courtesy to advise him.In the end, if Chloe does not pay Brooks as she promised and if shedoes not alert him, he will stop coaching her. The SIJR Convers<strong>at</strong>ionmade th<strong>at</strong> potential outcome clear.

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