Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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‘All schools were brought under the control of th e Ministry.’<br />

(64) Hep babasının etkisi altında yaşadı.<br />

‘He lived constantly under the influence of his father.’<br />

(ii) Contexts where the complement is non-specific:<br />

Non-specific indefinite complement (22.2.1):<br />

(65) Bu hesapları bir kağıt üstünde yapmak daha kolay olacak.<br />

‘It will be easier to do these calculations on a piece of paper.’<br />

Categorial complement (22.3):<br />

(66) Sanık ne zaman yargıç önüne çıkar acaba?<br />

‘I wonder when the accused person will appear before a judge?’<br />

Generic complement (22.4.2):<br />

Postpositional phrases 223<br />

(67) Genellikle kardeşler arasında kuvvetli bir daya nışma<br />

‘There is usually a strong solidarity between siblings.’<br />

The two conditions described in (i) and (ii) above often occur together.<br />

For example, the complements of içinde in (61) and (62) are categorial, and the use of<br />

arasında in (67) is non-spatial.<br /> Particular features of individual postpositions in Group 1<br />

(i) iç+POSS+OBL can also be used in the non-physical sense of ‘among’, i.e. expressing<br />

inclusion in a set or group. In this particular sense it is interchangeable with<br />

ara+POSS+OBL:<br />

(68) Ali’nin giysileri içinde/arasında işine yarayacak bir şey bulabilirsin.<br />

‘You may find something among Ali’s clothes to fit your needs.’<br />

For the partitive use of iç+POSS+ABL/ara+POSS+ABL see 14.5.1 (ii), 14.5.2, 18.4 (vi),<br />–5.<br />

(ii) Some speakers use the form içeri+POSS+OBL (e.g. içerisinde) in preference to<br />

iç+POSS+OBL (e.g. içinde). (For içeri in adverbial uses without possessive affixation<br />

see 16.4.2.)<br />

(iii) Üst has a synonym üzer-, which does not occur as a bare noun. It is<br />

interchangeable with üst in the postpositional function, but nowadays its usage is mainly<br />

confined to non-physical senses, as exemplified in (70) and (71).<br />

(69) Masanın üstünde/ üzerinde bir şey yok.<br />

‘There’s nothing on the table.’<br />

The dative forms üstüne/ üzerine, with a non-case-marked complement, can mean ‘on’<br />

in the metaphorical sense of ‘on the subject of’:<br />

(70) Gençlerde uyuşturucu kullanımı üstüne/üzerine araştırma yapıyor.<br />

‘S/he’s doing research on the use of drugs among young people.’

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