Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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<strong>Turkish</strong>: A comprehensive grammar 436<br />

(ii) If the conditional clause is in the form aorist + -(y)sA, the imperative or optative<br />

form of the same verb (in the same grammatical person) may be inserted immediately<br />

after the conditional form. This additional verb form is, strictly speaking, the main clause<br />

that the universal conditional modifies, but in practice it serves to reinforce the meaning<br />

of the universal conditional clause itself.<br />

(98) [Ne kadar konuş-ur-lar-sa] konuş-sun-lar hiçbir zaman<br />

what amount talk-AOR-3PL-COND.COP talk-IMP.3PL anlaşamayacaklar.<br />

‘However long they go on talking, (let them talk;) they’re never going to be able<br />

to agree.’<br />

(99) [Nere-ye gid-er-se-niz] gid-in bu fiyata bu kadar güzel bir kanepe.<br />

where-DAT go-AOR-COND.COP-2SG/PL go-IMP.2SG/PL bulamazsınız.<br />

‘(Go) no matter where you go; you won’t find such a fine sofa at this price.’<br />

As noted in, (her) ne kadar in a conditional-marked clause does not always<br />

mean ‘however much/long’, as it has become lexicalized as a general marker of<br />

concessive clauses with -(y)sA dA.<br />



There are a number of constructions that express the same meaning as aorist + -(y)sA, i.e.<br />

predictive open and habitual conditional clauses (–2), without the use of either of<br />

the conditional suffixes.<br />

27.6.1 -DIğI takdirde, -mAsI durumunda/halinde<br />

Conditional clauses whose verbs are marked with these forms structurally resemble the<br />

other non-finite adverbial constructions discussed in 26.3. They are characteristic of<br />

relatively formal styles, and approximate to ‘in the event of/that’. Note that in -DIğI<br />

takdirde the subordinator is always -DIK, not -(y)AcAK.<br />

(100) [Aday-lar-dan hiçbir-i çoğunluk<br />

candidate-PL-ABL none-3SG.POSS majority<br />

sağla-ya-ma-dığ-ı takdirde] ikinci tur-a geç-il-ecek-tir.<br />

secure-PSB-NEG-CV-3SG.POSS takdirde second round-DAT move-PASS-FUT-<br />

GM<br />

‘[In the event of none of the candidates being able to secure a majority], [the<br />

process] will continue into a second round.’<br />

(101) [Yapılaşma denetim altına alınmaması durumunda/halinde] bölgeleri kısa<br />

zamanda bozulmaktadır.<br />

‘[If building development is not brought under control], coastal regions are<br />

rapidly spoilt.’

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