Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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Tense, aspect and modality 285<br />

21.2.1 PAST TENSE<br />

The markers of past tense in <strong>Turkish</strong> are the verbal suffixes -DI and -mIş and the copular<br />

marker -(y)DI (with its relatively uncommon alternant idi).<br />

(i) -DI and -mIş:<br />

These suffixes express both past tense and perfective aspect (21.3), that is to say they<br />

express past events that are viewed as a completed whole.<br />

(4) Ev-i sat-tı-nız mı?<br />

house-ACC sell-PF-2PL INT<br />

‘Did/Have you sold the house?’<br />

(5) Kerem’in babası ona biraz para ver-miş.<br />

give-EV/PF<br />

‘Apparently Kerem’s father gave/has given him some money.’<br />

For the use of -DI and -mIş to express the completion of entry into a state, and thus the<br />

existence of that state of affairs at the moment of speech, see 21.3.3.<br />

(ii) -(y)DI:<br />

The past copula expresses past tense and imperfective aspect (21.3), that is to say it<br />

presents a situation as it was at some time in the past. This can be a state of affairs, as in<br />

the nominal sentences (6) and (7), or it can be an event which was ongoing (8) or<br />

anticipated (9) at the time referred to.<br />

(6) Bodrum-da-ydı-k.<br />

-LOC-P.COP-1PL<br />

‘We were in Bodrum.’<br />

(7) Evde hiç para yok-tu.<br />

non-existent-P.COP<br />

‘There was absolutely no money in the house.’<br />

(8) Ayten bir bankada çalış-ıyor-du.<br />

work-IMPF-P.COP<br />

‘Ayten was working in a bank.’<br />

(9) Yeni bir öğretmenimiz ol-acak-tı.<br />

be-FUT-P.COP<br />

‘We were going to have a new teacher.’<br />

The suffixes -DI and -mIş and the copular marker -(y)DI differ not only in terms of aspect<br />

but also in terms of their precise tense values. Except for contexts in which it is not a<br />

tense marker at all but a marker of counter-factual modality (, 27.2.3), the past<br />

copula -(y)DI expresses past tense in absolute terms; that is, it locates a situation in a time<br />

prior to the moment of speech. -mIş, by contrast, is a marker of relative past tense. When<br />

followed by -(y)DI or by the auxiliary verb ol-, it can refer to a time that is prior to any<br />

reference point established by the context:<br />

(10) [Dön-düğ-üm-de] herkes yat-mış-tı.<br />

return-CV-1SG.POSS-LOC everyone go.to.bed-PF-P.COP<br />

‘[When I came back] everyone had gone to bed.’

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