Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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neli, nesiz<br />

ne can combine with the suffixes -lI ‘with’ and -sIz ‘without’ (15.2.1) to form adjectives:<br />

(51) Ne-li dondurma sev-er-sin?<br />

what-ADJ ice.cream like-AOR-2SG<br />

‘What kind of ice cream do you like?’<br />

It can also combine with the suffix -CI (, most typically in its occupational sense,<br />

and much less commonly as denoting an ideology:<br />

(52) Baba-sı ne-ci?<br />

father-3SG.POSS what-DER<br />

‘What is the occupation/ideology of his/her father?’<br />

nesi, neyi<br />

nesi is the more commonly used 3rd person possessive form of ne, and neyi (6.2 (iii)) is<br />

slightly dated:<br />

(53) Akdeniz-in ne-si/ ney-i insanları çekiyor?<br />

Mediterranean-GEN what-3SG.POSS<br />

‘What is it about the Mediterranean that attracts people?’<br />

ne and the idiom ne biçim ‘what kind of…’ can also be use in exclamations (12.4 (iv)).<br /> nere- ‘where’<br />

The word nere- is used in its bare form only in non-standard dialects of <strong>Turkish</strong>. In<br />

standard <strong>Turkish</strong> it is always inflected. Nere- occurs in the positions occupied by noun<br />

phrases (Chapter 23), and it can combine with all the inflectional suffixes that attach to<br />

nouns (8.1, 14.3):<br />

(54) Elbise-ler-in-i nere-den al-dı-n? (usually pronounced [ ])<br />

clothes-PL-2SG.POSS-ACC where-ABL buy-PF-2SG<br />

‘Where did you buy your clothes from?’<br />

(55) En çok nere-ler-i görmek istiyorsun?<br />

where-PL-ACC<br />

‘What places do you most want to see?’<br />

(56) İğne-yi nere-n-den yap-acak-lar?<br />

injection-ACC where-2SG.POSS-ABL make-FUT-3PL<br />

‘On what part of you? (lit. ‘Where on you?’) are they going to do the injection?’<br />

nerede, neresi<br />

nerede (usually pronounced [ ]) is used when inquiring about the location of a<br />

person or object:<br />

(57) Patagonya nere-de?<br />

where-LOC<br />

Questions 261

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