Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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<strong>Turkish</strong>: A comprehensive grammar 458<br /> Omission of copular markers and person markers<br />

A person marker (8.4) from group 2 can be omitted if it is directly attached to one of the<br />

markers from position 3 on the verb:<br />

(115) Eskiden Kayseri’ye gitmiş(…), hatta orada yaşamışlar.<br />

‘Apparently at one time they went to Kayseri and even lived there.’<br />

If the predicate contains a copular marker (8.3.2) and/or the generalizing modality marker<br />

-DIr (8.3.3) these can only be omitted together with any person marker that is present<br />

(8.4). The conjunct which is ‘incomplete’ can be either a subject complement, as in (116),<br />

or a verb inflected with one of the position 3 suffixes, as in (117):<br />

(116) Öğretmen(…) ve bilim insanı-ymış.<br />

teacher and scientist-EV.COP<br />

‘Apparently s/he is/was a teacher and a scientist.’<br />

(117) Hem sinema-ya git-miş(…) h em de biraz gez-miş-ti-m.<br />

both cinema-DAT go-PF both also a.little go.around-PF-P.COP-1SG<br />

‘I had both gone to the cinema and walked around a bit.’<br />

In alternative questions (19.1.2) which contain the combination copular marker+person<br />

marker, usually the suffixes in the last conjunct are omitted.<br />

(118) Öğretmen misiniz (yoksa) öğrenci mi(…)?<br />

‘Are you a teacher, or a student?’<br />

Of the position 3 suffixes, those which can occur in suspended affixation constructions<br />

are -(I)yor, -mIş, -(A/I)r, -(y)AcAk, -mAlI and -mAk tA. that in 1st person negative aorist<br />

verb forms (which do not contain an aorist suffix, eg. oyna-ma-m (play-NEG-1SG) ‘I<br />

don’t/won’t play’) suspended affixation is not possible, and these have to occur in their<br />

full form in conjoined constructions.<br /> Omission of nominal inflectional markers<br />

In noun phrases, the following suffixes can be suspended:<br />

(i) The plural suffix (8.1.1) can be suspended, but only if any other suffixes following<br />

it are also suspended.<br />

(119) bütün kitap(…) ve de fterlerimiz<br />

‘all our books and notebooks’<br />

(ii) Case markers (8.1.3), the comitative/instrumental marker -(y)lA/ile (8.1.4) and the<br />

suffix -sIz ‘without’ ( can be suspended on their own:<br />

(120) Vapur hem Napoli(…) hem Venedik’e uğruyormuş.<br />

‘Apparently the boat stops at both Naples and Venice.’<br />

(121) kitap(…) ya da deftersiz<br />

‘without books or notebooks’

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