Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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Pronouns 247<br />

(107) Kızkardeşin senin şişmanın.<br />

‘Your sister is a plumper version of you.’<br />

(ii) Numerals (15.7) (with or without the enumerator tane or measure terms (15.8); see<br />

also 14.5.2–3): ikisi ‘two (of them)’, beş tanesi ‘five (of them)’, üç bardağı ‘three glasses<br />

(of it)’. (Numerals cannot be used with the 3rd person plural possessive suffix.)<br />

(108) Bütün kalemler kayboldu sanmıştım ama ikisi/iki tanesi burada.<br />

‘I thought all the pencils were lost, but two (of them) are here.’<br />

Note that the addition of her ‘every’ and/or the clitic dA ( to pronominalized<br />

numerical expressions makes them definite. Thus, for example, her ikisi and (her) ikisi de<br />

mean ‘both (of them)’ (cf. 15.9.1).<br />

(iii) The enumerator tane and measure terms (15.8): tanesi ‘each one (of …)’, şişesi ‘a<br />

bottle (of…)’. (These cannot be used with any of the other possessive suffixes.)<br />

(109) Kilosunu on milyon liradan satacaklar.<br />

‘They’re going to sell it for ten million liras a kilogram.’<br />

Expressions consisting of a numeral followed by the enumerator tane or a measure term<br />

can be used pronominally without the addition of a possessive suffix. This usage is<br />

generally confined to inanimate referents:<br />

(110) Çamaşır makinası bozulmuş. Yeni bir tane almamız lazım.<br />

‘The washing machine has broken down. We must get a new one.’<br />

(111) İki kilo versene.<br />

‘Give me two kilograms.’<br />

(iv) Indefinite and definite determiners (15.6.1–2, 14.5.2–3): aynısı ‘the same (one)’,<br />

başkası ‘another (one)’, bazısı ‘some (of them)’, birçoğu ‘many (of them)’, bir<br />

bölümü/bir kısmı ‘some (of it/them)’, biri(si) ‘someone’, ‘one (of them)’, birkaçı ‘a few<br />

(of them)’, bütünü ‘all of it’, çoğu ‘most (of them)’, ‘most people’, diğeri ‘the other<br />

(one)’, hangisi ‘which (one)’, herhangi biri(si) ‘any (one)’, hiçbiri(si) ‘none (of them)’<br />

(see also 20.5.2), ilki ‘the first (one)’, kaçı ‘how many (of them)’, kimisi ‘some (of<br />

them)’, ne kadarı ‘how much (of it)’, öbürü/↓öbürkisi/ötekisi ‘the other (one)’, sonuncusu<br />

‘the last (one)’, böylesi ‘this kind’, ‘this way’. (Of these determiners, birkaç, çok, hiçbir,<br />

kaç and ne kadar (except when this latter is used with adjectives ( (ii)) cannot be<br />

used with the 3rd person plural possessive suffix. aynı can be used with any of the<br />

possessive suffixes, including the 1st and 2nd person singular forms.)<br />

(112) Aynısını istiyorum.<br />

‘I want [one of] the same.’<br />

(113) Bazılarımız senin gibi düşünmüyor.<br />

‘Some of us wouldn’t agree with you.’<br />

(v) The adverbial hep ‘always’: hepsi ‘all (of it/them)’. (hep cannot be used with the 3rd<br />

person plural possessive suffix.)<br />

(114) Hepsini katılımcılara mı vereceksiniz?<br />

‘Are you going to give all of it/them to the participants?’

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