Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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ne kadar ‘how much’<br />

nasıl ‘how’<br />

niye ‘why’<br />

neden ‘why’<br />

niçin ‘why’<br />

Wh-phrases are normally stressed, whether they are in the main clause or a subordinate<br />

clause. The only exception to this is when they occur with another stressed constituent<br />

(19.2.3). The intonation pattern of wh-questions is a slight rise followed by a fall-rise<br />

(5.1).<br />

(39) HANgi tablo-yu müze-ye bağışla-mak ist-iyor-sun?<br />

which painting-ACC museum-DAT donate-VN want-IMPF-2SG<br />

‘Which painting do you want to donate to the museum?’<br />

(40) Ev-e NE zaman gid-ecek-sin?<br />

home-DAT when go-FUT-2SG<br />

‘When will you be going home?’<br />

19.2.1 WH-PHRASES<br /> kim ‘who’<br />

kim is used in questions where the target of the question is a person. It can combine with<br />

all the inflectional suffixes that attach to nouns (8.1, 14.3) and usually occurs in the<br />

positions occupied by the corresponding noun phrases (Chapter 23):<br />

(41) Resimleri kim değerlendirecek?<br />

‘Who will evaluate the paintings?’<br />

(42) Şule’nin babası kimdi?<br />

‘Who was Şule’s father?’<br />

kim obligatorily has accusative case marking when it functions as a direct object (see<br />

22.1):<br />

(43) Nuri kim-i görmüş?<br />

who-ACC<br />

‘Who(m) did Nuri see?’<br />

Questions 259

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