Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar

Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar


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<strong>Turkish</strong>: A comprehensive grammar 400<br />

26.1.1 CLAUSES FORMED WITH diye<br />

Diye is itself the -(y)A converbial form (26.3.8) of the verb de- ‘say’. In its function as a<br />

subordinator it marks both noun clauses (24.3.1) and adverbial clauses. It always stands<br />

at the end of its clause:<br />

(3) [Çocukları getir-ir-ler diye] porselen eşyayı ortadan kaldırmıştı.<br />

bring-AOR-3PL SUB<br />

‘[Thinking they would bring the children], she had put the china pieces away.’<br />

Adverbial clauses with diye are used in relatively informal registers to express reason,<br />

purpose, precaution, or understanding, as explained in the following sections. The sense<br />

of ‘saying’ (or, more usually, ‘thinking’, cf. 24.2.1 (iii)) is detectable in all of them,<br />

which gives them a subjective tone not found in their non-finite counterparts.<br /> Reason<br />

The kind of reason expressed by a diye clause is one which exists in the perception of the<br />

subject of the main verb.<br />

(4) [Kalabalık olacağız diye] bir ekmek daha almıştım.<br />

(i) ‘[As there were going to be a lot of us], I had bought another loaf.’<br />

(ii) ‘[Thinking there were going to be a lot of us], I had bought another loaf.’<br />

As indicated by the second translation above, the speaker may be aware that this<br />

perception is or was incorrect. This element of meaning differentiates reason clauses<br />

expressed with diye from those expressed by non-finite means (26.3.14). A form such as<br />

olacağımız için could not be substituted for olacağız diye in (4) if interpretation (ii) was<br />

intended.<br /> Purpose<br />

In this meaning the verb in the subordinate clause is always in the optative form (<br />

(5) [Kışın üşü-me-ye-lim diye] kalorifer yaptırdık.<br />

‘We’ve had central heating installed [so that we shan’t be cold in winter].’<br /> Precaution<br />

In this meaning (equivalent to English ‘in case…’) the verb in the subordinate clause<br />

takes the form of an open conditional (, i.e. aorist + -(y)sA:<br />

(6) [Bir daha görüş-e-mez-se-k diye] anahtarları sana şimdiden<br />

see.each.other-PSB-NEG.AOR-COND.COP-1PLSUB veriyorum.<br />

‘[In case we don’t have the chance to see each other again], I’m giving you the<br />

keys now.’

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