
a book on philosophy

a book on philosophy


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defined acts arise. For this reason the theologians say that any act can

only proceed from a living, knowing being. When one has found this first

premiss, that what moves in welldefined movements from which arise

well-defined and ordered actions is living and knowing, and one joins to

this a second premiss which can be verified by the senses, that the

heavens move on their own account in well-defined movements from

which there follow in the existents under them well-defined acts, order,

and rank through which these existents under them receive their

subsistence, one deduces from this, no doubt, a third principle, namely,

that the heavenly bodies are living beings endowed with perception. That

from their movements there follow well-defined acts from which this

sublunary world, its animals, vegetables, and minerals receive their

subsistence and conservation , is evident from observation, for, were it not

that the sun in its ecliptic approaches the sublunary world and recedes

from it, there would not be the four seasons, and without tile four seasons

there would be no plants and no animals, and the orderly origination of

elements out of each other necessary for the conservation of their

existence would not take place. For instance, when the sun recedes

towards tile south the air in the north becomes cold and rains occur and

tire production of the watery element increases, whereas in tile south tile

production of the airy element becomes greater; whereas in summer,

when the sun approaches our zenith, the opposite takes place. Those

actions which the sun exercises everlastingly through its varying distance

from the different existents which always occupy one and the same place

are also found in the moon and all the stars which have oblique spheres,

and they produce tile four seasons through their circular movements, and

the most important of all these movements, in its necessity for tire

existence and conservation of the creation, is tire highest circular

movement which produces day and night. The Venerable Book refers in

several verses to the providential care for man which arises out of God’s

subjection of all tile heavens to His bidding, as, for instance, in tile

Qur’anic verse ‘And the sun and the moon and the stars are subjected to

His bidding’, and wlrcn man observes these acts and this guidance which

proceed necessarily and permanently from tire movcnrcnts of tile stars,

and sees how these stars move in fixed movements, and drat they have

well-defined shapes and move in well-defined directions towards welldefined

actions in opposite motions, he understands that these well-


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