61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz

61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz

61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz


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economy syndicate in Switzerland, Petrola AG, under the control of the «Energy<br />

and Heating Section» («Sektion Kraft und Wärme»), which in turn was headed by<br />

the prominent Socialist Robert Grimm. But now the war was over, Germany was<br />

occupied, and the Allies were demanding the extradition of Switzerland’s guests<br />

for suspected war crimes. However, the Swiss showed remarkably little interest<br />

in the political background of these characters. They believed they knew who<br />

they were dealing with, i.e., fundamentally «decent» Germans. In the circumstances,<br />

the extradition requests from the Allies fell on deaf ears.<br />

A certain Friedrich Kadgien had been heavily involved in criminal methods for<br />

acquiring currency, securities and diamonds stolen from Jewish victims playing<br />

a major role. Jewellery, too, and even stamp collections could potentially be<br />

converted into currency, and were especially easy to smuggle across borders.<br />

Kadgien and his colleagues had certainly put aside assets, and were able as early<br />

as 1947/48 to set up a company using Swiss middlemen, thus preparing the way<br />

for their departure to South America soon afterwards. Imhauka AG, whose<br />

name records the initials of its three founders – Imfeld, Haupt, Kadgien – set<br />

up its domicile in Sarnen in central Switzerland, and a second company with<br />

the same name was established in Tangiers in North Africa and opened branches<br />

in South America soon afterwards. A Zurich lawyer, Dr. Ernst Imfeld, who had<br />

worked for Petrola during the war, ran the businesses from Zurich, while the<br />

Germans involved moved to Bogotà and Rio de Janeiro, where they vanished<br />

without trace. As far as we can discern, Imhauka acquired industrial holdings<br />

and acted as an intermediary for movements of industrial equipment to Latin<br />

America. It currently operates from Buenos Aires. 40<br />

Other Germans were provided with identity papers by the International<br />

Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), but passed through Switzerland only fleetingly<br />

or not at all as they went on their way. These included some major<br />

criminals such as Adolf Eichmann and the former SS doctor at Auschwitz, Josef<br />

Mengele, who relocated to Latin America. Soon after the war, the ICRC issued<br />

a large number of provisional identity cards to people who had lost their papers;<br />

the Germans in question had registered under a false identity, and slipped<br />

unnoticed into the stream of hundreds of thousands of displaced persons seeking<br />

to leave Europe after 1945. At the most, the ICRC could be criticised for not<br />

carrying out sufficient checks, but there was a great deal of demand for quick<br />

and relatively non-bureaucratic assistance. It is striking that these Germans did<br />

not leave until a few years after the end of the war, after lying low in Germany<br />

itself until then. From 1948/49 onwards, as the worst chaos of the immediate<br />

post-war situation gradually came to an end, the opportunities for travel<br />

improved. In addition, the attention and interest of the Western Allies had<br />

waned considerably, except for cases in which they themselves took on notorious<br />


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