61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz

61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz

61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz


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significantly bogged down after 1946 in matters concerning German assets, by<br />

way of a bilateral agreement with the FRG. At that time, following the<br />

conclusion of the Nuremberg war trials from 1945–1950, the victorious powers<br />

were also much less interested in the crimes of the past.<br />

2.5 The Crimes of National Socialism<br />

The rule of National Socialism was not only based on the ambition to reign over<br />

a boundless geographical area; it was primarily founded on an inherent<br />

inhumanity which was justified ideologically and efficiently put into practice<br />

bureaucratically. The Jews were the first to experience this and in the most<br />

terrible way. The policy of destruction was also directed against other<br />

«categories» of people: against gypsies, the sick, and the disabled. Further<br />

groups also fell victim to systematic persecution: homosexuals, «asocial<br />

persons», groups of certain persuasions such as communists, dissident<br />

Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as entire population groups, or «alien<br />

races» of certain states: Poles, Ukrainians, White Russians, Russians – in short,<br />

all those who could be brushed off as «Slavic».<br />

The issue of how much was known at the time about the «Final Solution» and,<br />

in particular, how this knowledge was assessed, is an important issue for<br />

Switzerland, too, and is examined in more detail in the next chapter. There is<br />

no doubt that the systematic policy of destruction of the later years was not<br />

evident in the first anti-Semitic boycotts and laws of the spring of 1933.<br />

However, what did the introduction of the Nuremberg laws of 1935 mean?<br />

What did the rioting directed against the Jews in the «Reichskristallnacht» of<br />

9 November 1938 signify? How serious was Hitler’s 30 January 1939 threat<br />

before the Reichstag: «If the international Jewish financiers in and outside<br />

Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then<br />

the result will not be the Bolshevisation of the earth, and thus the victory of<br />

Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe». 134 The spirit of<br />

destruction increased with the conflict growing into a World War and with the<br />

military brutality of the eastern campaign in 1941/42 when the systematic<br />

extermination of the Jews commenced. These murders were preceded by the<br />

mass slaughter of disabled persons. The deportation of Jews, Roma and Sinti<br />

from the Reich to the East began in the late autumn of 1941, and on 20 January<br />

1942 at the Wannsee Conference, Reinhard Heydrich co-ordinated the Extermination<br />

already in progress. Those deported were either kept prisoner in<br />

ghettos or camps, or murdered directly after their arrival. Deportations also<br />

commenced in Western Europe in 1942, and by the end of the war around six<br />


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