61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz

61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz

61340 Vorabseiten_e - Unabhängige Expertenkommission Schweiz


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28 November 1937 for a ban on Freemasonry, as well as the Federal Council’s<br />

Decrees of 27 May 1938 against propaganda material threatening the security<br />

of the state, and that of 5 December 1938 against activities threatening the<br />

security of the state and for the protection of democracy. The same year saw the<br />

convergence of diverse efforts to consolidate national defence. Switzerland<br />

redefined its status under international law with the return to «integral<br />

neutrality» made possible by the release obtained from its economic sanctions<br />

commitment to the League of Nations. A round the same time, the project for<br />

a wartime economy shadow organisation of the Department of Economic Affairs<br />

was put on standby. This had been proposed at the end of 1937 by Federal<br />

Councillor Herbert Obrecht, who earlier had come under fire due to his position<br />

on the board of the German-dominated Waffenfabrik Solothurn AG. With the<br />

Federal Law of 1 April on Securing National Supply and with the initiation of<br />

negotiations in September 1938 to secure imports in the event of war, Obrecht<br />

proved to be the courageous liberal statesman extolled at the time of his early<br />

death in August 1940.<br />

The Federal Council’s official message on «the organisation and responsibilities<br />

of safeguarding and promoting Swiss culture», drafted by Federal Councillor<br />

Philipp Etter and likewise published in 1938, soon became a kind of «Magna<br />

Charta of the Geistige Landesverteidigung» with its nationalistic and authoritarian<br />

thrust. The Swiss credo was expressed thus: «the idea of a Swiss state was born<br />

neither of race nor of the flesh, it was born of the spirit. There is something<br />

magnificent, something awesome about the fact that this tremendous idea<br />

should have led to the creation of a state whose heart is the Gotthard, the<br />

mountain that sunders and the pass that connects. It is a European, a universal<br />

idea: the idea of a spiritual community of peoples and Western civilisations!»<br />

According to the message, this was «nothing other than the victory of the spirit<br />

over the flesh on the rugged terrain of the state». 106<br />

The wartime economy regime, instituted in September 1939, was under the<br />

control of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (Eidgenössisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartement,<br />

EVD) and represented the backbone of the «economic<br />

defence of the country». Under the management of the Eidgenössische Zentralstelle<br />

für Kriegswirtschaft (Federal Central Agency for Wartime Economy) which<br />

was advised by the Kommission für Kriegswirtschaft (Committee for Wartime<br />

Economy), various control and management tasks were entrusted to the<br />

Kriegsernährungsamt (Federal Office for Wartime Nutrition), the Kriegs-Industrieund<br />

Arbeitsamt (Wartime Industry and Employment Office), the Kriegs-Transportamt<br />

(Wartime Transport Office), the Kriegs-Fürsorgeamt, (Wartime<br />

Welfare Office), the Eidgenössische Preiskontrollstelle (Federal Price Control<br />

Agency), and the Handelsabteilung des Volkswirtschaftsdepartements (Trade<br />


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