Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp

Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp

Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp


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tr. de <strong>Fr</strong>. Brosky <strong>Zora</strong> N. <strong>Hurston</strong>’s Their eyes <strong>were</strong> tr. de Andrés Ibañez notas<br />

- Tu t’es montré deux fois nob’ de<br />

m’avoir sauvée dce cabot. Ptit-Four, jpense<br />

pas qut’as vu ses yeux comme moi jles ai<br />

vus. L’avait pas juste l’intention dme<br />

mord’, Ptit-Four. L’avait l’intention dme<br />

tuer raide comme une pierre. Jamais<br />

j’oublierai ses yeux. Rien que dla haine<br />

pure. Me demande d’où y venait ? [295]<br />

5<br />

“You was twice noble tuh save me<br />

from dat dawg. Tea Cake, Ah don’t<br />

speck you seen his eyes lak Ah did. He<br />

didn’t aim tuh jus’ bite me, Tea Cake.<br />

He aimed tuh kill me stone dead. Ah’m<br />

never tuh fuhgit dem eyes. He wuzn’t<br />

nothin’ all over but pure hate. Wonder<br />

where he come from?”<br />

—Tú fuiste do vece noble cuando<br />

me salvaste de aquel perro. Tea Cake,<br />

tú no viste sus ojos como yo los vi.<br />

No sólo quería morderme, Tea Cake.<br />

Quería dejarme tiesa en el sitio. No<br />

voy a olvidarme nunca de aquellos<br />

ojos. No era má que odio puro. ¿De<br />

dónde habría salío?, me pregunto.<br />

- Ouais, moi aussi jl’ai vu. C’était terrifiant.<br />

10 “Yeah, Ah did see ’im too. It wuz<br />

Mais j’avais pas dans l’intention frightenin’. Ah didn’t mean tuh<br />

d’accepter sa haine. Fallait que lui meure take his hate neither. He had tuh die<br />

ou moi, l’un des deux. Mon cran d’arrêt a uh me one. [158] Mah switch blade<br />

dit quc’était lui.<br />

said it wuz him.”<br />

- Pauv’ moi, y m’aurait déchiquetée si<br />

t’avais pas été là, mon chou.<br />

15<br />

“Po’ me, he’d tore me tuh pieces, if<br />

it wuzn’t fuh you, honey.”<br />

- T’as pas besoin de dire si j’avais pas “You don’t have tuh say, if it wuzn’t<br />

été là, bébé, pasque jsuis là, et jveux qu’tu 20 fuh me, baby, cause Ah’m heah, and then<br />

saches que c’t un homme qu’t’as là. » Ah want yuh tuh know it’s uh man heah.”<br />

[296]<br />

[159]<br />

—Sí, yo también le vi los ojos. Daban<br />

miedo. Y tampoco quería quedarme<br />

con su odio. Tenía que morir uno<br />

de los do, o él o yo. Y la hoja de mi<br />

navaja dijo que él.<br />

—Pobre de mí, me hubiera hecho pedazos,<br />

si no llega a ser por ti, cariño.<br />

—No tienes que decir «si no llega a ser<br />

por ti», porque yo estoy aquí, y quiero que<br />

sepas que el que está a tu lao es un hombre.<br />

[187]<br />

25<br />

30<br />

* slouch 1 intr. stand or move or sit in a drooping ungainly (awkward, clumsy, gawky, graceless, torpe, desgarbado) fashion. 2 tr. bend one side of the brim of (a hat) downwards (opp. cock 1). 3 intr. droop, hang down loosely.<br />

1 a slouching posture or movement, a stoop. 2 a downward bend of a hat-brim (opp. cock 1).3 sl. an incompetent or slovenly (careless & untidy) worker or operator or performance.<br />

slouch hat a hat with a wide flexible brim.<br />

slouch 1 to sit or stand with a drooping bearing, estar ladeado, bent one side of the brim of (a hat) downwards 2 to walk or move with an awkward slovenly gait 3 to cause (the shoulders) to droop, ir encorvado<br />

4 a drooping carriage 5 [usually used in negative constructions] (informal) an incompetent or slovenly person<br />

example: he’s no slouch at football<br />

slouchy lacking erectness or stiffness (as in form or posture) <br />

Chapter 19<br />

19<br />

35<br />

CHAPTER 19<br />


Summary<br />

Une fois de plus, Celle-aux-orteils-carrés était And then again Him-with-the-square-toes had<br />

rentrée chez elle. Une fois de plus, elle gone back to his house. He stood once<br />

s’était tapie dans sa maison haute et more and again in his high flat house<br />

plate, sans murs et sans toit, son épée 40 without sides to it and without a roof<br />

sans âme dressée dans sa main. Son pâle with his soulless sword standing upright<br />

cheval blanc avait galopé au-dessus des in his hand. His pale white horse had<br />

eaux et tonné pardessus les terres. Le galloped over waters, and thundered<br />

temps de mourir était passé. Il était over land. The time of dying was over.<br />

temps d’inhumer les morts.<br />

45 It was time to bury the dead.<br />

« Janie, vlà deux jours qu’on stient<br />

dans cette pièce sale et moche, c’est<br />

dtrop. Faut qu’on sorte de cette maison<br />

et de cette ville d’hommes. J’ai jamais<br />

aimé c’t endroit.<br />

- Où qu’on va aller, Ptit-Four ? On<br />

lsait pas.<br />

- Peut-êt’ qu’on peut rtourner dans<br />

le haut dl’État si tu veux.<br />

- Mais écoutez-moi cette femme ! Moi<br />

qui suis sur le point dfaire péter ma culotte<br />

tant jveux rester près d’elle et elle... Mérite<br />

qu’on lui tire dssus avec des punaises !<br />

- De toute manière, jsuis reposé et les<br />

poux ont pris-attrapé trop d’audace par<br />

“Janie, us been in dis dirty,<br />

slouchy* place two days now, and<br />

dat’s too much. Us got tuh git outa dis<br />

50 house and outa dis man’s town. Ah<br />

never did lak round heah.”<br />

55<br />

“Where we goin’, Tea Cake? Dat we<br />

don’t know.”<br />

“Maybe, we could go backup de state,<br />

if yuh want tuh go.”<br />

- J’ai jamais dit ça, mais si toi tu... “Ah didn’t say dat, but if dat is whut you—”<br />

60<br />

- Naan, j’ai rien dit dpareil. “Naw, Ah ain’t said nothin’ uh de<br />

J’essayais de pas tretenir loin dton kind. Ah wuz tryin’ not tuh keep you<br />

confortab’ plus longtemps que t’en outa yo’ comfortable no longer’n you<br />

avais envie. [297]<br />

wanted tuh stay.”<br />

65<br />

- Si jte dérange...<br />

“If Ah’m in yo’ way—”<br />

“Will you lessen at dis woman? Me<br />

’bout tuh bust mah britches tryin’ tuh<br />

70 stay wid her and she heah—she oughta<br />

be shot wid tacks!”<br />

- Bon d’accord, tu dis quoi et “All right then, you name somethin’<br />

on lfra. <strong>En</strong> tout cas, on perd rien and we’ll do it. We kin give it uh poor<br />

à essayer.<br />

75 man’s trial anyhow.” [160]<br />

“Anyhow Ah done got rested up and<br />

de bed bugs is done got too bold round<br />

X<br />

Y, una vez más, la parca regresó a su<br />

casa. Una vez más se quedó de nuevo en<br />

pie en su casa alta y plana, sin paredes<br />

ni techo, enarbolando con la mano en<br />

alto su espada sin alma. Su pálido caballo<br />

blanco había galopado sobre las<br />

aguas, había retumbado sobre la tierra.<br />

La hora de la muerte había pasado. Era<br />

hora de enterrar a los muertos.<br />

Janie, llevamo ya do días en este sitio<br />

sucio y asqueroso y me parece que<br />

ya es demasiao. Tenemo que irno de esta<br />

casa y de esta ciudá. A mí este sitio nunca<br />

me ha gustao.<br />

—¿Adónde iremo, Tea Cake? No tenemo<br />

dónde.<br />

—Si tú quieres, tal vez podríamo irno al<br />

norte del Estado.<br />

—Yo no decía eso, pero si es lo que tú...<br />

—No, yo no decía ná por el<br />

estilo. Lo que yo no quiero es<br />

que tú estés en un sitio en el<br />

que no estás cómoda.<br />

—Si soy una carga...<br />

—¡Es increíble lo que se le ocurre a<br />

esta mujer! Estoy decidío a romperme la<br />

cabeza con tal de quedarme con ella y<br />

ella... ¡es pa matarla!<br />

—Mu bien, entonce. Di tú lo que quieres y<br />

eso es lo que haremo. De tós modos, no sé yo<br />

qué podemo hacer siendo tan pobres.<br />

—Bueno, pue, yo me he recuperao ya del<br />

cansancio, y ademó veo que la chinche de la<br />

After the hurricane, death is all around Palm<br />

Beach. Two white men with rifles force Tea Cake<br />

to bury corpses. Disgusted with the work and<br />

fearful of the racism around the town (the white<br />

corpses get coffins, but the black corpses are<br />

simply dumped in a ditch and covered with<br />

quicklime), Tea Cake and Janie decide to leave<br />

surreptitiously and return to the Everglades.<br />

Tea Cake and Janie learn that although some of<br />

their friends have died, many have survived,<br />

including Motor Boat, who miraculously stayed<br />

alive during the storm while sleeping in the<br />

abandoned house. Tea Cake works for a while<br />

rebuilding the dike. But about four weeks after<br />

their return, he comes home from work early with<br />

a bad headache. He says that he is hungry, but<br />

when Janie makes him food, he is unable to eat.<br />

At night he wakes up in a choking fit and the<br />

next day gags [vomits] when trying to drink water.<br />

Janie gets Dr. Simmons, a friendly white man who<br />

is a fixture in the muck. He chats amiably with<br />

Tea Cake and hears his story. But afterward, he<br />

pulls Janie aside and tells her that he thinks that<br />

the dog that bit Tea Cake was rabid. He adds<br />

that it is probably too late to save Tea Cake but<br />

that he will order medicine from Palm Beach just<br />

in case.<br />

Tea Cake’s health deteriorates and the rabies<br />

warp his mind, filling him with delusional,<br />

paranoid thoughts. Janie doesn’t tell him about<br />

the doctor’s diagnosis. When she sneaks off to<br />

see if the medicine has arrived, Tea Cake<br />

accuses her of sneaking off to see Mrs. Turner’s<br />

brother, who has just returned to the Everglades.<br />

She mollifies him, telling him that she went to<br />

see the doctor, and they begin to talk lovingly.<br />

But Janie grows afraid when she feels a pistol<br />

hidden under the pillow.<br />

That night, Tea Cake is seized by more choking<br />

attacks. In the morning, Janie says that she is<br />

going to see Dr. Simmons again. Tea Cake gets<br />

angry, and when he goes outside to the<br />

outhouse, Janie checks his pistol. She finds that<br />

it is loaded with three bullets. Instead of<br />

unloading it, she sets it so that it will run through<br />

the three empty chambers before getting to a<br />

bullet, giving her time to act in case he fires at<br />

her.<br />

When Tea Cake returns, he becomes crazier,<br />

accusing Janie of treating him wrongly. Janie<br />


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