Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp

Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp

Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp


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tr. de <strong>Fr</strong>. Brosky <strong>Zora</strong> N. <strong>Hurston</strong>’s Their eyes <strong>were</strong> tr. de Andrés Ibañez notas<br />

planté de palmiers avant de se demander si palm-lined walk before she had a<br />

elle était en sécurité. Cet homme étrange thought for her safety. Maybe this<br />

avait peut-être une idée derrière la tête ! strange man was up to something!<br />

Mais ce n’était pas le moment de montrer But it was no place to show her fear<br />

[180] qu’elle avait peur, là dans l’obscurité, 5 there in the darkness between the<br />

à michemin entre le magasin et la maison. house and the store. He had hold of<br />

Et il lui tenait le bras. L’instant d’après, her arm too. Then in a moment it was<br />

c’était fini. Ptit-Four n’était pas étrange. gone. Tea Cake wasn’t strange.<br />

Elle avait l’impression de l’avoir connu Seemed as if she had known him all<br />

toute sa vie. Voyez comme elle avait été 10 her life. Look how she had been able<br />

capable de lui parler dès le début ! Il inclina<br />

son chapeau devant la porte et disparut<br />

après un bref bonsoir.<br />

to talk with him right off! He tipped<br />

his hat [94] at the door and was off<br />

with the briefest good night.<br />

de palmeras cuando Janie empezó de pronto<br />

a pensar en su seguridad. ¡Tal vez aquel<br />

extraño quisiera algo de ella! Pero allí, en<br />

la oscuridad, a medio camino de la casa y<br />

de la tienda, no era lugar para demostrar<br />

miedo. Además, él la había cogido del brazo.<br />

Y al momento el miedo había desaparecido.<br />

Tea Cake no era un extraño. Parecía que<br />

lo conociese de toda la vida. No hacía falta<br />

sino fijarse en la facilidad con que ella se había<br />

puesto a charlar con él. Al llegar ante la<br />

puerta, él se llevó la mano al sombrero y se<br />

despidió con un escueto buenas noches.<br />

Elle s’assit sur la véranda et 15 So she sat on the porch and watched<br />

regarda la lune se lever. Son fluide the moon rise. Soon its amber fluid was<br />

ambré inonda bientôt la terre et apaisa drenching the earth, and quenching the<br />

la soif de la journée. [181]<br />

thirst of the day. [95]<br />

Janie se sentó en el porche y miró cómo<br />

salía la luna. Su líquido ambarino empezó<br />

a empapar enseguida la tierra y a mitigar<br />

la sed del día. [118]<br />

20<br />

25<br />

11<br />

CHAPTER 11<br />

30<br />

Janie avait envie de questionner Hezekiah Janie wanted to ask Hezekiah about<br />

sur Ptit-Four, mais elle craignait qu’il ne se Tea Cake, but she was afraid he might<br />

méprenne et croie qu’elle s’intéressait à lui. misunderstand her and think she was<br />

Et pour commencer, il avait l’air trop jeune interested. In the first place he looked<br />

pour elle. Devait avoir dans les vingtcinq ans, 35 too young for her. Must be around<br />

et elle, elle en avait bientôt quarante. Et puis twenty-five and here she was around<br />

il n’avait pas l’air de posséder grand-chose. forty. Then again he didn’t look like he<br />

Peut-être qu’il traînaillait dans le coin pour had too much. Maybe he was hanging<br />

se mettre bien avec elle et la dépouiller de around to get in with her and strip her<br />

tout. Autant ne plus jamais le revoir. C’était 40 of all that she had. Just as well if she<br />

probablement le genre d’homme à vivre avec<br />

différentes femmes sans jamais se marier. De<br />

fait, elle décida de le traiter avec tant de<br />

froideur, si jamais il remettait le pied au<br />

magasin, qu’il ne reviendrait certainement<br />

plus vadrouiller dans le coin.<br />

never saw him again. He was probably<br />

the kind of man who lived with various<br />

women but never married. Fact is, she<br />

decided to treat him so cold if he ever<br />

45 did foot the place that he’d be sure not<br />

to come hanging around there again.<br />

Il attendit exactement une semaine avant He waited a week exactly to come<br />

de revenir s’offrir aux rebuffades de Janie. back for Janie’s snub. It was early in the<br />

On était en début d’après-midi, elle était [183] 50 afternoon and she and Hezekiah <strong>were</strong><br />

seule avec Hezekiah. Elle entendit quelqu’un alone. She heard somebody humming<br />

fredonner un air comme s’il cherchait le ton like they <strong>were</strong> feeling for pitch and<br />

juste et elle se tourna vers la porte. Ptit-Four looked towards the door. Tea Cake stood<br />

s’y trouvait, qui faisait semblant d’accorder there mimicking the tuning of a guitar.<br />

une guitare. I1 faisait la grimace et s’achar-<br />

55 He frowned and struggled with the pegs<br />

nait sur les chevilles d’un instrument imaginaire<br />

of his imaginary instrument <strong>watching</strong> her<br />

tout en l’observant du coin de l’oeil. La out of the corner of his eye with that<br />

même blague secrète jouait sur son visage. secret joke playing over his face. Finally<br />

<strong>En</strong> fin de compte, elle sourit et il chanta un she smiled and he sung middle C, put<br />

do, mit la guitare sous son bras et se dirigea 60 his guitar under his arm and walked on<br />

vers elle.<br />

back to where she was.<br />

‘Soir M’sieur-dame. Jme suis dit quvous “Evenin’, folks. Thought y’all might<br />

aimeriez écouter un peu dmusique ce soir, lak uh lil music this evenin’ so Ali<br />

et donc j’ai apporté ma caisse.<br />

65 brought long mah box.” [96]<br />

- Louf-dingue ! » commenta Janie,<br />

rayonnante de lumière.<br />

“Crazy thing!” Janie commented,<br />

beaming out with light.<br />

Il accepta le compliment avec un sourire 70 He acknowledged the compliment<br />

et s’assit sur une caisse. « Quelqu’un veut with a smile and sat down on a box.<br />

prend’ un Coca-Cola avec moi ?<br />

“Anybody have uh Coca-Cola wid me?”<br />

- Jviens d’en boire un, fit Janie, temporisant<br />

avec sa conscience.<br />

“Ah just had one,” Janie temporized<br />

75 with her conscience.<br />

CAPÍTULO 11<br />

Janie deseaba interrogar a Hezekiah respecto<br />

a Tea Cake, pero temía que pudiera<br />

malinterpretarla y pensar que estaba interesada<br />

por él. <strong>En</strong> primer lugar, parecía demasiado<br />

joven para ella. Debía de rondar los veinticinco<br />

años y ella estaba ahora cerca de los cuarenta.<br />

Además no tenía aspecto de tener mucho<br />

dinero. Tal vez la estaba rondando para<br />

congraciarse con ella y despojarla de todo lo<br />

que tenía. Sería mucho mejor que no volviera<br />

a verlo. Probablemente era el tipo de hombre<br />

que vive con varias mujeres pero nunca se<br />

casa. De hecho, Janie decidió que si volvía a<br />

aparecer por la tienda lo trataría con tanta frialdad<br />

que a buen seguro no le quedarían ganas<br />

de volver a rondar por allí.<br />

Él esperó una semana justa para volver<br />

en busca del rechazo de Janie. Fue<br />

a primera hora de la tarde y Hezekiah<br />

y ella estaban solos. Janie oyó a alguien<br />

que canturreaba fuera y se asomó a mirar.<br />

Allí estaba Tea Cake imitando el afinado<br />

de una guitarra. <strong>Fr</strong>uncía el ceño y<br />

apretaba las clavijas de su imaginario<br />

instrumento mientras la miraba a ella<br />

por el rabillo del ojo y su rostro esbozaba<br />

una sonrisa cómplice. Finalmente,<br />

ella sonrió y él entonó el do mayor, se<br />

colocó la guitarra bajo el brazo y se dirigió<br />

hacia donde estaba ella.<br />

—Buena, amigos. He pensao que os gustaría<br />

oí un poco de música esta tarde y por<br />

eso he traío mi guitarra.<br />

—¡Qué loco está usté! —dijo<br />

Janie radiante.<br />

Él aceptó el cumplido con una sonrisa y se<br />

sentó en una caja.<br />

—¿Quién se toma una Coca-cola conmigo?<br />

—Yo acabo de tomarme una —contemporizó<br />

Janie con su conciencia.<br />

Chapters 11–12<br />

Summary<br />

Chapter 11<br />

Tea Cake doesn’t come back for a week, and<br />

Janie, thinking that he is taking advantage<br />

of her wealth, decides to be rude to him when<br />

he shows up. But when he finally comes by,<br />

his fanciful joking—he pretends to play an<br />

imaginary guitar—immediately makes Janie<br />

smile. They flirt and play checkers again, and<br />

then Tea Cake walks Janie home. They sit<br />

on her porch and talk for hours, eating cake<br />

and drinking fresh lemonade. As late as it is,<br />

Tea Cake proposes that they go fishing. They<br />

stay out the rest of the night at the lake, and<br />

in the morning, Janie has to sneak Tea Cake<br />

out of town to avoid gossip. She loves the<br />

impetuous adventure of the whole evening.<br />

The next day, Hezekiah tells Janie that Tea Cake<br />

is too low for a woman like her; Janie, however,<br />

doesn’t care. Tea Cake returns that night and<br />

they eat a dinner of fresh fish. Afterward, Janie<br />

falls asleep in Tea Cake’s lap and wakes up to<br />

find him brushing her hair. They talk for a while,<br />

and Tea Cake says that he fears that Janie thinks<br />

that he is a scoundrel. Janie tells him that she<br />

likes him, but as a good friend not a lover.<br />

Crushed, Tea Cake says that he feels more<br />

strongly about her than she apparently does<br />

about him. Janie doesn’t believe him, thinking<br />

that he can’t possibly be attracted to someone<br />

so much older than him. She tells him that he<br />

will feel different in the morning. Tea Cake leaves<br />

abruptly.<br />

The next day, Janie anxiously frets about Tea<br />

Cake, who doesn’t return. The day after that,<br />

however, he wakes her up by knocking on her<br />

door. He says that he has to leave for work but<br />

that he wanted to let her know that his feelings<br />

for her are real. That night, Janie finds Tea Cake<br />

waiting for her in her hammock. They eat dinner<br />

and he spends the night. The next morning, he<br />

leaves. Janie is again filled with desperate fears<br />

that Tea Cake has simply taken advantage of<br />

her. But he returns after three days, driving a<br />

beat-up car, and says that he wants to make their<br />

relationship public; he bought the car because<br />

he wants to take her to the big town picnic.<br />

snub v. 1 rebuff or humiliate with sharp words or a<br />

marked lack of cordiality. Desdain 2 check the<br />

movement of (a boat, horse, etc.) esp. by a rope<br />

wound round a post etc.<br />

- Faudra rcommencer dpuis ldébut, Mis’<br />

Starks.<br />

“It’ll hafter be done all over agin,<br />

Mis’ Starks.”<br />

—Pue va a tené que tomarse otra, señora<br />

Starks. [119]<br />


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