Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp

Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp

Hurston, Zora N. ''Their Eyes were watching God''-Fr-En-Sp


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tr. de <strong>Fr</strong>. Brosky <strong>Zora</strong> N. <strong>Hurston</strong>’s Their eyes <strong>were</strong> tr. de Andrés Ibañez notas<br />

8<br />

CHAPTER 8<br />

CAPÍTULO 8<br />

Chapter 8<br />

Cette nuit-là, Jody déménagea ses After that night Jody moved his<br />

affaires et alla dormir dans la pièce du bas. things and slept in a room<br />

Il ne haïssait pas vraiment Janie, mais il 5 downstairs. He didn’t really hate<br />

voulait qu’elle le croie. Il avait rampé dans Janie, but he wanted her to think so.<br />

un coin pour lécher ses blessures. Au He had crawled off to lick his<br />

magasin non plus, ils ne se parlaient guère. wounds. They didn’t talk too much<br />

Qui n’était pas au courant se serait dit que around the store either. Anybody that<br />

les choses s’étaient tassées, tant tout 10 didn’t know would have thought that<br />

semblait paisible et tranquille. Mais ce calme<br />

things had blown over, it looked so<br />

était le sommeil des épées. De quiet and peaceful around. But the<br />

nouvelles pensées devaient être formulées, stillness was the sleep of swords. So<br />

de nouvelles paroles prononcées. Elle new thoughts had to be thought and<br />

n’avait pas envie de vivre ainsi. Pourquoi 15 new words said. She didn’t want to<br />

Joe lui en voulait-il tant de l’avoir<br />

rapetissé aux yeux des autres alors que lui<br />

le faisait sans cesse avec elle ? Le faisait<br />

depuis des années. Bah, si elle devait<br />

manger avec une cuillère à long manche,<br />

qu’il en soit ainsi. Jody pouvait émerger<br />

à tout moment de sa crise de rogne et<br />

recommencer à se conduire comme<br />

quelqu’un avec elle. [151]<br />

live like that. Why must Joe be so<br />

mad with her for making him look<br />

small when he did it to her all the<br />

time? Had been doing it for years.<br />

20 Well, if she must eat out of a<br />

70<br />

long-handled spoon, she must. Jody<br />

might get over his mad spell any time<br />

at all and begin to act like somebody<br />

towards her.<br />

bouffir I vtr hinchar, abotargar. II vi hincharse, abotargarse<br />

25<br />

Elle remarqua aussi à quel point Joe Then too she noticed how baggy Joe<br />

bouffissait de partout. Comme des sacs was getting all over. Like bags hanging<br />

accrochés à une planche à repasser. Un petit from an ironing board. A little sack hung<br />

sac pendouillait au coin de ses yeux et from the corners of his eyes and rested<br />

s’appuyait sur ses pommettes ; un sac mou 30 on his cheek-bones; a loose-filled bag<br />

et duveteux pendait de ses oreilles et of feathers hung from his ears and rested<br />

s’appuyait sur son cou, sous le menton. Un on his neck beneath his chin. A sack of<br />

sac empli d’une matière flasque descendait flabby something hung from his loins<br />

de ses reins et se posait sur ses cuisses and rested on his thighs when he sat<br />

lorsqu’il s’asseyait. Mais même ces 35 down. But even these things <strong>were</strong><br />

bouffi I adj 1. abotargado(a), hinflado(a). 2. fig engreído(a). II bouffi m arenque ahumado 3. bloated : boursouflé, gonflé, bouffi (with pride, d’orgueil). congestionné.<br />

sacs-là s’écoulaient au fil du temps,<br />

comme de la cire à bougie.<br />

running down like candle grease as<br />

time moved on.<br />

Il se forgeait aussi de nouvelles He made new alliances too. People<br />

alliances. Des gens dont il ne s’était jamais 40 he never bothered with [77] one way<br />

soucié semblaient avoir son oreille à or another now seemed to have his ear.<br />

présent. Il avait toujours été plein de mépris He had always been scornful of<br />

pour les guérisseurs de tout poil, mais voilà root-doctors and all their kind, but now<br />

qu’un charlatan d’Altamonte <strong>Sp</strong>rings she saw a faker from over around<br />

venait traînailler presque chaque jour au 45 Altamonte <strong>Sp</strong>rings, hanging around the<br />

magasin. Qui chaque fois qu’elle place almost daily. Always talking in<br />

approchait baissait le ton ou se taisait low tones when she came near, or<br />

carrément. Elle ignorait que Joe était mu hushed altogether. She didn’t know<br />

par l’envie désespérée d’apparaître à ses that he was driven by a desperate hope<br />

yeux dans son corps d’autrefois. Cela 50 to appear the old-time body in her<br />

peinait Janie de voir le guérisseur parce sight. She was sorry about the<br />

qu’elle craignait que Joe ne compte sur rootdoctor because she feared that Joe<br />

cette fripouille pour le guérir alors qu’il was depending on the scoundrel to<br />

avait besoin d’un médecin, et d’un bon. Elle make him well when what he needed<br />

se faisait du souci car il ne mangeait rien 55 was a doctor, and a good one. She was<br />

aux repas jusqu’au jour où elle découvrit<br />

qu’il avait demandé à la vieille [152] Davis<br />

de cuisiner pour lui. Elle savait qu’elle était<br />

bien meilleure cuisinière que la vieille<br />

femme et qu’elle gardait sa cuisine plus<br />

propre. Alors elle acheta un jarret de boeuf<br />

et fit de la soupe.<br />

worried about his not eating his meals,<br />

till she found out he was having old<br />

lady Davis to cook for him. She knew<br />

that she was a much better cook than<br />

60 the old woman, and cleaner about the<br />

kitchen. So she bought a beef-bone and<br />

made him some soup.<br />

carrément squarely, directly, directamente 2 honestly, fairly, justamente, straight out<br />

« Naan, merci, lui dit sèchement Joe.<br />

Jme donne bien assez dmal à tâcher d’aller 65<br />

mieux. »<br />

Elle fut d’abord stupéfaite puis blessée.<br />

Et donc elle se rendit tout droit chez sa<br />

meilleure amie, Phoeby Watson, et lui<br />

raconta l’histoire.<br />

« J’aimerais mieux êt’ morte que<br />

dlaisser Jody croire que jui veux du mal,<br />

expliquat-elle en sanglotant. Ç’a pas 75<br />

toujours été marrant, pasque tu sais<br />

combien Jody vénère le travail dses dix<br />

doigts mais Dieu qu’est au Paradis sait que<br />

“Naw, thank you,” he told her shortly.<br />

“Ah’m havin’ uh hard enough time tuh<br />

try and git well as it is.”<br />

She was stunned at first and hurt<br />

afterwards. So she went straight to her<br />

bosom friend, Pheoby Watson, and told<br />

her about it.<br />

“Ah’d ruther be dead than for Jody<br />

tuh think Ah’d hurt him,” she sobbed to<br />

Pheoby. “It ain’t always been too<br />

pleasant, ’cause you know how Joe<br />

worships de works of his own hands, but<br />

God in heben knows Ah wouldn’t do one<br />

A partir de aquella noche, Joe trasladó<br />

sus cosas y durmió en una habitación<br />

de la planta baja. No odiaba realmente a<br />

Janie, pero deseaba que ésta lo creyera.<br />

Se había arrastrado lejos a fin de lamerse<br />

las heridas. Tampoco hablaban mucho<br />

cuando estaban en la tienda. Tan tranquilo<br />

y silencioso estaba todo que el que no<br />

estuviera al tanto podría creer que las cosas<br />

habían vuelto a su cauce. Pero bajo<br />

esa calma se escondían tempestades. De<br />

modo que hubo que pensar cosas nuevas<br />

y decir nuevas palabras. No era así como<br />

Janie quería vivir. ¿Por qué Joe tenía que<br />

enfadarse con ella porque le había ridiculizado<br />

cuando él hacía lo mismo con<br />

ella todo el día? Llevaba años haciéndolo.<br />

Bueno, si ella tenía que pasar por<br />

aquello, pasaría por aquello. <strong>En</strong> cualquier<br />

momento, a Jody se le pasaría el<br />

disgusto por completo y empezaría a tratarla<br />

de una manera normal.<br />

<strong>En</strong>tonces observó que la piel de Joe comenzaba<br />

a colgarle por todas partes. Como los pliegues<br />

de una tabla de planchar. De los ojos le<br />

colgaban unos saquitos que descansaban en los<br />

pómulos; de sus orejas pendía una fofa talega<br />

de plumas que, por debajo de la barbilla, se<br />

posaba en el cuello. De los costados le colgaba<br />

un saco blando y fláccido que, cuando se<br />

sentaba, se apoyaba sobre los muslos. Pero<br />

incluso todas estas cosas iban consumiéndose<br />

como el sebo de una vela a medida que<br />

pasaba el tiempo.<br />

También había hecho nuevas alianzas. Se interesaba<br />

por gentes de las que nunca antes se<br />

había preocupado en ningún sentido. Él siempre<br />

había hablado con desdén de los curanderos<br />

y de ese tipo de personas, pero ahora Janie<br />

veía que casi a diario se pasaba por su casa<br />

un impostor venido de Altamonte <strong>Sp</strong>rings.<br />

Siempre hablaban en voz baja cuando ella<br />

se acercaba [99] o se callaban al<br />

mismo tiempo. Ella no sabía que Jody actuaba<br />

movido por una desesperada ilusión de aparecer<br />

ante sus ojos con el cuerpo que había<br />

tenido siempre. A ella le preocupaba el asunto<br />

del curandero porque temía que Joe estuviera<br />

depositando en aquella sabandija sus esperanzas<br />

de curación, cuando lo que en realidad<br />

necesitaba era un médico, y un médico bueno.<br />

Le preocupaba que no tocara las comidas, hasta<br />

que descubrió que estaba haciendo que la anciana<br />

señora Davis cocinara para él. Sabía bien<br />

que ella era mucho mejor cocinera que la anciana<br />

y mucho más limpia en la cocina. Así<br />

que un día compró un hueso de ternera y le<br />

hizo un poco de sopa.<br />

—No, mucha gracia —dijo él con sequedad—.<br />

Ya me está costando demasiao tiempo<br />

ponerme bien.<br />

Al principio se quedó atónita y, luego,<br />

dolida. Así que fue a hablar con su<br />

amiga del alma, Pheoby Watson, y le contó<br />

lo que sucedía.<br />

—Preferiría estar muerta a que Jody pensara<br />

que yo puedo hacerle daño —le dijo a<br />

Pheoby, sollozando—. Nunca ha sío una tarea<br />

fácil, porque tú ya sabes cómo adora<br />

Joe todo lo que él hace con sus propias<br />

manos pero Dió sabe que yo no movería<br />

After the confrontation, Jody moves into another<br />

room in the house. His health keeps<br />

deteriorating and he grows desperate, consulting<br />

with quacks who promise miracle cures. He<br />

avoids contact with Janie and stops eating her<br />

cooking. Janie learns from Pheoby that there is<br />

a rumor around town that Janie is trying to<br />

poison Jody for revenge. Nevertheless, Janie<br />

sends for a real doctor from Orlando. The doctor<br />

examines Jody and determines that his<br />

kidneys have stopped working and that he will<br />

soon die.<br />

Janie begins to pity Jody and wants to see him<br />

one last time. Jody refuses, but Janie decides<br />

that it will soon be too late, so she enters his<br />

room. He is cold and distant, and their<br />

conversation quickly deteriorates into an<br />

argument. He says that she never appreciated<br />

all that he did for her; she responds that he never<br />

let her express her emotions. She then tells him<br />

that he is dying and Jody finally realizes the<br />

truth. He breaks down, releases one long,<br />

anguished sob, and begs Janie not to tell him<br />

such things. Nevertheless, she berates him,<br />

accusing him of tyranny and egotism. She adds<br />

that he was always trying to change her and was<br />

never satisfied with who she really was.<br />

Jody pleads with Janie to stop but she continues.<br />

She sees that he is struggling with death and is<br />

filled with pity. He dies, and she thinks about all<br />

the time that has passed since she met him. She<br />

looks in a mirror and sees that she has aged<br />

but is still beautiful. She rips off her head-rag,<br />

freeing her imprisoned hair, but then realizes<br />

that she must appear to be mourning. She ties<br />

it back up, assumes a mask of sadness, and<br />

yells out the window that Jody has died.<br />

Analysis<br />

These two chapters focus on the disintegration<br />

of Jody and Janie’s marriage, culminating in<br />

Jody’s death. Janie’s interest in the marriage has<br />

already waned by this point. She loses hope<br />

when it becomes clear that her relationship to<br />

Jody will not realize her dreams. Jody, on the<br />

other hand, loses everything, including the will<br />

to live, as soon as he loses the ability to exert<br />

control. Despite their obvious differences, Jody<br />

and Janie’s situations are, in a way, similar. Both<br />

realize that they have constructed lives that have<br />

not delivered the fulfillment that they expected.<br />

But Janie is able to survive her disillusionment<br />

and, by the end of Chapter Eight, has begun to<br />

once again head in the direction of her dreams.<br />

Jody, however, doesn’t survive; in part, his<br />

destruction results from Janie’s reassertion of<br />

herself.<br />

In Chapter 6 we see how intimately Jody’s control<br />

is related to language. He uses language to<br />

belittle Janie while at the same time forcing her<br />

to remain silent. The one-sidedness of this<br />

dynamic is the only real tool left with which Jody<br />

can preserve the imbalance of power in his<br />

relationship with Janie. Jody tries to use his control<br />

of discourse to compensate for his physical<br />

deterioration and ultimate inability to control the<br />

world. His insults attempt to reshape the world<br />

around him by incorrectly describing Janie’s<br />

appearance while ignoring his own.<br />

Janie’s two outbursts further underscore the<br />

importance of language. When she speaks, she<br />

asserts herself and her own power; this<br />

assertion, of course, deeply troubles Jody.<br />

Janie’s sharp retort in Chapter 7 about Jody’s<br />

feebleness completely shatters Jody’s<br />

misconceptions about the extent of his power:<br />

he is «robbed … of his illusion of irresistible<br />

maleness.» Janie’s rejoinder (réplica) has<br />

reversed their situations. Earlier, Jody prevents<br />

her from speaking and asserting her identity;<br />

now, he himself is left without a voice: «Joe<br />

Starks didn’t know the words for all this, but he<br />

knew the feeling.» Stung by words, shown the<br />

limitations of his power, and robbed of his ability<br />

to speak, Jody breaks down. He resorts to<br />

physical violence—a display of beastliness—<br />

because his lofty aura has dissipated completely.<br />

Jody’s disintegration is completed in Chapter 8,<br />

and, once again, he is undone by the power of<br />

Janie’s speech. She finally lashes out at him in<br />

full, expressing her feelings and criticizing his<br />

faults. Janie compromises the source of Jody’s<br />


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