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14:30 4604. Comprehensive Pulmonary Evaluation of Emphysematous Mice Using<br />

Hyperpolarized 129 Xe MRI/MRS Under Spontaneous Breathing Mode<br />

Hirohiko Imai 1,2 , Atsuomi Kimura 2 , Takuya Kitao 2 , Emi Okubo 2 , Yuki Hori 2 , Satoshi<br />

Iguchi 2 , Hideaki Fujiwara 2<br />

1 Center for Advanced Research and Education in Drug Discovery and Development, Graduate School of<br />

Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan; 2 Department of Medical Physics and<br />

Engineering, Division of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan<br />

Several techniques in hyperpolarized 129 Xe MRI and MRS were applied to spontaneously breathing mice for comprehensively<br />

evaluating pulmonary structures and functions in emphysematous mice. The abnormalities of pulmonary structure, perfusion and<br />

ventilation were successfully detected in emphysematous mice, while significant difference was not shown in gas exchange. Although<br />

further improvement was needed for evaluating gas exchange in spontaneous breathing condition, it was shown that the method<br />

described here could become useful for drug research and development using small rodents since this protocol was able to detect<br />

several important pathological changes non-invasively.<br />

15:00 4605. Hyperpolarized 3 He ADC Measurements: Left-Right and Dorsal-Ventral<br />

Differences as a Function of Lung Volume<br />

Ahmed F. Halaweish 1 , Daniel R. Thedens 1 , Jered P. Sieren 1 , Eric A. Hoffman 1 , Edwin<br />

J.R. vanBeek 1<br />

1 University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States<br />

Hyperpolarized 3 Helium MRI Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) measurements enable probing of the lung microstructure and<br />

evaluation of pathological processes that affect airspace size. We successfully evaluated ADC measurements as a function of lung<br />

volume in 12 never-smoker subjects across three different lung volumes (20%, 60% & 100%VC). Significant differences between<br />

each lung volume were observed, along with significant ventral-dorsal gradients at the 20%VC volume and a more homogenous leftright<br />

distribution at 100%VC only. Results suggest that patterns of ADC throughout the lungs in the never-smoker subjects follow<br />

proper distribution and ventilation patterns and emphasize the importance of controlled lung inflation.<br />

Wednesday 13:30-15:30 Computer 94<br />

13:30 4606. Dynamic O2-Enhanced MRI Vs. Quantitative Thin-Section MDCT: Capability for<br />

COPD Assessment in Smokers<br />

Yoshiharu Ohno 1,2 , Hisanobu Koyama 1 , Keiko Matsumoto 1,3 , Yumiko Onishi 1 , Daisuke<br />

Takenaka 1 , Munebu Nogami 1 , Nobukazu Aoyama 2 , Hideaki Kawamitsu 2 , Makoto Obara 4 ,<br />

Marc van Cauteren 4 , Kazuro Sugimura 1<br />

1 Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan; 2 Radiology, Kobe University<br />

Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan; 3 Radiology, Yamanashi University, Shimokatou, Yamanashi, Japan; 4 Philips<br />

Healthcare, Tokyo, Japan<br />

Direct assessment of signal intensity - time course curve on dynamic O2-enhanced MRI have suggested as having potential for airway<br />

abnormality and oxygen transfer assessments. However, the literature shows no publications dealing with direct comparison of the<br />

capability of quantitatively assessed thin-section MDCT and of dynamic O2-enhanced MRI for COPD assessment in smokers. We<br />

hypothesized that dynamic O2-enhanced MRI may have potential for COPD assessment, and be considered at least as valuable as<br />

MDCT in smokers. The purpose of this study was to compare the capability for COPD assessment in smokers between dynamic O2-<br />

enhanced MRI and quantitatively assessed thin-section MDCT.<br />

14:00 4607. Oxygen-Enhanced MRI in Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension:<br />

Feasibility and Value<br />

Daniel Maxien 1 , Olaf Dietrich 2 , Sven Thieme 2 , Maximilian Reiser 2 , Konstantin Nikolaou 2<br />

1 Department of Clinical Radiology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany; 2 Department of Clinical<br />

Radiology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany<br />

Oxygen-enhanced MRI of the lung has proved its feasibility in studies with healthy volunteers, but till now there is only limited<br />

experience in circumscribed patient cohorts. We wanted to determine the value and feasibility of oxygen-enhanced MRI in patients<br />

with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Therefore we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of oxygen-enhanced MRI versus<br />

ventilation and perfusion scintigraphy. Furthermore, we made a quantitative comparison of the relative signal enhancement in defect<br />

areas with the relative signal enhancement in the whole lung to determine which signal difference is needed for a reliable visual<br />

detection of diseased lung areas.

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