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Wednesday 13:30-15:30 Computer 124<br />

13:30 5079. Quantitative Analysis of Projection Breast Density Changes at Different<br />

Compression Angles Based on 3D MRI<br />

Tzu-Ching Shih 1,2 , Jeon-Hor Chen 2,3 , D Chang 3 , K Nie 3 , M Lin 3 , O Nalcioglu 3 , Min-Ying<br />

Lydia Su 3<br />

1 Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan;<br />

2 Department of Radiology, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan; 3 Tu & Yuen Center for<br />

Functional Onco-Imaging, University of California, Irvine, CA, United States<br />

This study aims to demonstrate the effect of compression angle on the projection breast density at different compression ratios based<br />

on the patient-specific three-dimensional MR images. The fibroglandular tissue and tatty tissue were described by 3,488 and 11,803<br />

tetrahedral elements. Within 50% to 70% compression ratio, the variation of the measured projection breast density was<br />

approximately 7%. In contrast, the variation of the projection breast density was nearly 11% for MOL view compression. This study<br />

provides a novel computer simulation approach to simulate the large deformation of breast compression. Compression angle of<br />

deviation may affect the measured projection breast density.<br />

14:00 5080. Interactive Intensity Thresholding Based Breast Density Assessment in Sequential<br />

MR Examinations<br />

Sadie Nicola Reed 1 , Gokhan Ertas 1 , Martin O. Leach 1<br />

1 Cancer Research UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United<br />

Kingdom<br />

Breast density has been shown to be a strong risk factor for breast cancer. MR imaging allows direct volume estimation of the<br />

fibroglandular breast tissues providing an accurate breast density assessment. In this study, we investigate the value of interactive<br />

intensity thresholding in the assessment of breast density from sequential MR examinations. The results have shown a good<br />

consistency between the left and right breasts and a high level of reproducibility for sequential patient visits. The ability of the<br />

technique to highlight variations from normal breast development in sequential images could give valuable information in assessment<br />

of breast cancer risk.<br />

14:30 5081. A Maximum Likelihood Method for Partial Volume Segmentation of Magnitude<br />

Breast MR Data<br />

Melanie Freed 1,2 , Christian Graff 1 , Maria I. Altbach 3 , Jacco A. de Zwart 4 , Jeff H. Duyn 4 ,<br />

Aldo Badano 1<br />

1 CDRH/OSEL/DIAM, FDA, Silver Spring, MD, United States; 2 Department of Bioengineering, University of<br />

Maryland, College Park, MD, United States; 3 Department of Radiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,<br />

United States; 4 NINDS/LFMI/Advanced MRI Section, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United<br />

States<br />

We apply maximum likelihood estimation techniques to magnitude MR images as a method for partial volume segmentation. The<br />

method is validated on noisy inversion recovery and saturation recovery images of a simulated MR breast phantom created from<br />

human CT data and then applied to inversion recovery images of a physical breast phantom. The segmentation algorithm is able to<br />

successfully separate tissue types in both simulated and phantom MR images.<br />

15:00 5082. DIVA+QUADRANT: Novel Visualisation Software for DCE-MRI to Aid Breast<br />

Cancer Diagnosis and Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Monitoring<br />

Martin Lowry 1 , David John Manton 1 , Martin D. Pickles 1 , Lindsay W. Turnbull 1<br />

1 YCR Centre for MR Investigations, Hull-York Medical School, Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom<br />

The clinical utility of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is well established, but the analysis of data by radiologists can be<br />

time-consuming. Novel visualisation software, called DIVA+QUADRANT, has been developed which quickly and clearly indicates<br />

those regions within a tumour which display the highest contrast agent enhancement (uptake) rate and the greatest degree of contrast<br />

agent wash out (signal decay); both well-established indicators of malignancy following the BIRADS-MRI lexicon. The software can<br />

also be used to monitor response to chemotherapy as it can map out areas where enhancement and washout rates have decreased, i.e.<br />

areas where vasculature shutdown is occurring.<br />

Thursday 13:30-15:30 Computer 124<br />

13:30 5083. Local Rigid and Volume Preserving Deformable Registration Method with<br />

Applications to Liver MR Data<br />

Atilla Peter Kiraly 1 , Christophe Chefd'Hotel 1 , Clifford R. Weiss 2 , Ralph Strecker 3<br />

1 Imaging and Visualization, Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, United States; 2 Department of<br />

Radiology, The Johns Hopkins Univeristy School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States; 3 MR Oncology,<br />

Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany<br />

A novel approach to ensure local rigidity and volume preservation with existing registration methods is presented. A modification to<br />

the deformation field is performed before application to the moving image. It adds little additional runtime and can be quickly

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