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Non-Cartesian k-space trajectories are becoming more popular because they allow for large undersampling with acceptable image<br />

quality. In this work, SENC was combined with radial k-space acquisition using interleaved SENC tunings and radial undersampling.<br />

Scan time was reduced to one breath-hold with comparable image quality.<br />

15:00 3591. High Resolution, Functional Real-Time Cardiac MR Imaging Using a Combination<br />

of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging<br />

Tobias Wech 1 , Marcel Gutberlet 1 , Daniel Stäb 1 , Dietbert Hahn 1 , Herbert Köstler 1<br />

1 Institute of Radiology, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany<br />

To achieve a sufficient temporal and spatial resolution in functional cardiac MRI, real time acquisition has to be accelerated by a<br />

factor of 8 – 10 compared to Fourier MRI. In this work, a combination of compressed sensing and parallel imaging has been<br />

implemented, tested in a simulation using undersampled data of a segmented cine acquisition and finally applied to in-vivo data<br />

sampled in real time. The reconstructions for the real time acquisition and for the simulated data result in high resolution images with<br />

an excellent SNR and do not show any visible artefacts.<br />

Wednesday 13:30-15:30 Computer 30<br />

13:30 3592. Association Between Left Ventricle Sympathetic Innervation and Torsion in<br />

Patients with Type 1 Diabetes<br />

Scott David Swanson 1 , Gisela C. Mueller 1 , David Raffel 1 , Dorthea Happ 1 , Claire S.<br />

Duvernoy 2,3 , Rodica Pop-Busui 4<br />

1 Department of Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States; 2 Cardiology Section, VA<br />

Ann Arbor Health Care System, United States; 3 Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan;<br />

4 Department of Internal Medicine; Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, , University of<br />

Michigan<br />

We compare left ventricular torsion as measured by cardiac MR tagging with sympathetic denervation as measure by PET and find<br />

that increased torsion is correlated with denervation.<br />

14:00 3593. Myofiber Developmental Plasticity in Fetal and Adult Pig Hearts Delineated with<br />

Diffusion Tensor MRI<br />

Lei Zhang 1 , Huiying Zhang 1 , Gregory M. Lanza 1 , Samuel A. Wickline 1 , Junjie Chen 1<br />

1 Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States<br />

Cardiac function in pre and post-natal stages are different because of reduced workload of right ventricle relative to left ventricle after<br />

birth. We hypothesize that myocardial fiber structure in fetal hearts differs from that of adult hearts as a response to the change of<br />

cardiac function. Diffusion tensor MRI was used to quantitatively evaluate myofiber structure in mid-gestation, pre-born and adult pig<br />

hearts. Helix angle and transverse angle in septum and LV/RV fusion sites were compared between the three groups. Our results<br />

showed that contributions of RV myofibers to septum was higher in fetal pig hearts than adult pig hearts. The current observations<br />

were in agree with change of cardiac function and reflect the plasticity of myocardial fiber development in response to programmed<br />

differential contractile functions before and after birth.<br />

14:30 3594. Accelerated Simultaneous Multi-Slice Cardiac Cine Imaging Using a Combination<br />

of CAIPIRINHA and Compressed Sensing<br />

Daniel Stäb 1 , Tobias Wech 1 , Christian Ritter 1 , Dietbert Hahn 1 , Herbert Köstler 1<br />

1 Institute of Radiology, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany<br />

A combination of CAIPIRINHA simultaneous multi-slice imaging with Compressed Sensing is presented. A technique is generated,<br />

effectively accelerating the imaging procedure in slice and phase encoding direction. Several slices are excited simultaneously and<br />

shifted with respect to each other in the FOV using RF phase cycles, while k-space is undersampled randomly in incoherent fashion.<br />

In the reconstruction process, Compressed Sensing is used to eliminate incoherent artifacts, while a parallel imaging reconstruction<br />

separates the simultaneously excited slices. The method shows potential for high quality multi-slice imaging with high acceleration<br />

factor.<br />

15:00 3595. SNR Evaluation of 32 Channel Cardiac Coils in DENSE MRI at 1.5 and 3T<br />

Andreas Sigfridsson 1,2 , Henrik Haraldsson 1,2 , Tino Ebbers 1,2 , Hans Knutsson, 23 , Hajime<br />

Sakuma 4<br />

1 Clinical Physiology, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; 2 CMIV, Linköping University, Linköping,<br />

Sweden; 3 Biomedical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden; 4 Radiology, Mie University,<br />

Tsu, Mie, Japan<br />

The in-vivo SNR for DENSE MRI was evaluated for 32 channel cardiac coils compared to standard 5 and 6 channel coils at 1.5 and<br />

3T. On average, the 32 channel coils provided 50% higher SNR. The SNR improvement was more pronounced at 3T than at 1.5T, and<br />

closest to the chest wall. The higher SNR provides the opportunity for DENSE imaging in a longer portion of the cardiac cycle.

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