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MRS - Body Applications<br />

Hall B Monday 14:00-16:00 Computer 102<br />

14:00 4725.<br />

1 H-MRS Links Adipose Tissue Fat Composition to Liver Fat Content in Men with<br />

Metabolic Syndrome<br />

Jesper Lundbom 1 , Antti Hakkarainen 1 , Sanni Söderlund 2 , Nina Lundbom 1 , Marja-Riitta<br />

Taskinen 2<br />

1 HUS Medical Imaging Centre, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 2 Department of Medicine, University<br />

of Helsinki<br />

We used 1H-MRS to study adipose tissue fat composition and liver fat content in men with the metabolic syndrome. Adipose tissue<br />

methylene/methyl, an index of saturated fats, correlated negatively with liver fat content.<br />

14:30 4726. In-Vivo Determination of the Full 1 H MR Spectrum of Liver Fat<br />

Gavin Hamilton 1 , Michael S. Middleton 1 , Takeshi Yokoo 1 , Mark Bydder 1 , Irene W.<br />

Mwangi 1 , Michael E. Schroeder 1 , Claude B. Sirlin 1<br />

1 Department of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States<br />

Accurate proton ( 1 H) MRS fat quantification of liver fat requires determination of signal from fat peaks that are near or under the<br />

water peak. A theoretical triglyceride model was developed to characterize the liver fat spectrum, using number of -CH=CH- and -<br />

CH=CH-CH 2 -CH=CH- bonds, and average fatty acid chain length. In vivo, the relative areas of the different fat peaks are strongly<br />

correlated suggesting the fat profile is uniform regardless of the level of fat deposition in the liver. The model gives that 8.6% of the<br />

total liver fat underlies the water peak.<br />

15:00 4727. Comparison of Liver Steatosis Quantification by MRS at 4.7 T and Histology on<br />

Ob/ob and Db/db Mice<br />

Fanny Noury 1,2 , Alain Fautrel 3,4 , Eric Hitti 1,2 , Pascale Bellaud 3 , Hervé Saint-Jalmes 1,2 ,<br />

Bernard Fromenty 4 , Pierre-Antoine Eliat 2<br />

1 LTSI - INSERM U642 - Université Rennes 1, Rennes, France; 2 PRISM - IFR 140 BiogenOuest - Université<br />

Rennes 1, Rennes, France; 3 Plate-forme d’Histopathologie - IFR 140 BiogenOuest - Université Rennes 1,<br />

Rennes, France; 4 FMC - INSERM U991 - IFR 140 - Université Rennes 1, Rennes, France<br />

Murine models of obesity such as ob/ob (leptin deficient) and db/db (leptin receptor deficient) mice are extensively used in different<br />

scientific fields including pharmacology and toxicology. Besides increased body fatness, hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance these<br />

mice develop moderate (db/db) or massive (ob/ob) steatosis. In some studies a longitudinal follow-up of steatosis may be warranted,<br />

to assess the beneficial (or deleterious) effects of chronic drug administration. In this preliminary study, db/db and ob/ob mice were<br />

used to determine whether magnetic resonance spectroscopy could be a reliable non-invasive method to evaluate fatty liver, using<br />

statistical comparison with histological results.<br />

15:30 4728. Validation of 1 H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ( 1 H-MRS) for Quantification of<br />

Hepatic Triglyceride Content<br />

Estee Fleischman 1 , Lauren Dutcher 1 , David Thomasson 2 , Adeline Louie 2 , Haresh Mani 3 ,<br />

David Kleiner 3 , Caryn Morse 1 , Colleen Hadigan 1<br />

1 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United<br />

States; 2 Diagnostic Radiology Department, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States;<br />

3 National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States<br />

There is growing interest in the application of 1H-MRS as a non-invasive approach to quantify hepatic triglyceride. This study was<br />

designed to establish the ability of 1H-MRS to accurately assess hepatic fat compared to histological scoring. Fifty subjects completed<br />

1H-MRS of the liver within 30 days of diagnostic biopsy. The mean hepatic triglyceride content by 1H-MRS for each histologic<br />

grade was 9%, 23%, 40% and 56%, respectively. The correlation between the two methods was r=0.88, p

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