Air Operating Permit - Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Air Operating Permit - Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Air Operating Permit - Puget Sound Clean Air Agency


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VI. PERMIT ACTIONS<strong>Permit</strong> No. 13120Expiration Date: September 12, 2013Page 286 of291minor permit modification application immediately after it files such applicationprovided that those changes requiring the submission of a notice of constructionapplication have been reviewed and approved by the <strong>Puget</strong> <strong>Sound</strong> <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Air</strong><strong>Agency</strong>. After Boeing makes the change allowed by the preceding sentence, anduntil the <strong>Puget</strong> <strong>Sound</strong> <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> takes any of the actions specified in WAC173-401-725( d), Boeing must comply with both the applicable requirementsgoverning the change and the proposed permit terms and conditions. During thistime period, Boeing need not comply with the existing permit terms and conditionsit seeks to modify. However, if Boeing fails to comply with its proposed permitterms and conditions during this time period, the existing permit terms andconditions it seeks to modify may be enforced against it.d) <strong>Permit</strong> shield. The permit shield under WAC 173-401-640 shall not extend tominor permit modifications.(3) Group processing of minor permit modifications. Consistent with WAC 173-401-725(3), the <strong>Puget</strong> <strong>Sound</strong> <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> may process groups of a source'sapplications for certain modifications eligible for minor permit modificationprocessing.(4) Significant modification procedures.a) Criteria. Significant modification procedures shall be used for applicationsrequesting permit modifications that do not qualify as minor permit modificationsor as administrative permit amendments. Every significant change in existingmonitoring permit terms or conditions and every relaxation of reporting orrecordkeeping permit terms or conditions shall be considered significant. Nothingherein shall be construed to preclude Boeing from making changes consistent withChapter 173-401 WAC that would render existing permit compliance terms andconditions irrelevant.b) Significant permit modifications shall meet all requirements of Chapter 173-401WAC, including those for applications, public participation, review by affectedstates, and review by EPA, as they apply to permit issuance and permit renewal.The <strong>Puget</strong> <strong>Sound</strong> <strong>Clean</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> shall complete review on the majority ofsignificant permit modifications within nine months after receipt of a completeBoeing-Everett <strong>Permit</strong>, issued September 12, 2008,' Administrative Amendment 3: October 10, 2012

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