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119-120] PRONOMINAL ADJECTIVES 115b. Compound indefinite pronouns are foi'med by combiningthe particles ca, cana, or cid with the interrogative ka ;thus kas ca an^/, any one kas cana; any one soever, every ;kas cid any, some ; any one, some one.Pronominal Adjectives.120. Several adjectives derived from or allied in meaningto pronouns, follow the pronominal declension (110)altogether or in part.a. The adjectives that strictly adhere to the pronominaltype of inflexion are anya other and the derivatives formedwith tara and tama from ka and ya. The specificallypronominal cases of the latter that have been met with are :Sing. N. n. katara-d, yatara-d; katama-d, yatama-d.D. katama-smai. G. f. katama-syas. L. f.yatama-syam.PI. N. m. katam^, yatam6, yatar6 (K.). From itara occur inthe Kathaka Samhita m. D. s. itarasmai and N. pi. itare.The forms of anya that occur are :m. Sing. N. anya-s. A. anya-m, I. any^na. D. anyasmai.G. anya-sya. L. anya-smln.— PL N. anye.A. anyan. I. any6-bhis and anyais. D. any^-bhyas.G. any6-sam. L. any6-su.f.Sing. N. anya. A. anyam. I, anya-y-a. D. anya-syai.G. anya-syas. L. anya-syam.— Du. N. any6.— PI. N.anya-s. A. anya-s. I. anya-bhis. G. anya-sam.L. anya-su.n. Sing. N. anya-d. — Du. I. anya-bhyam.— PI. N. anya.h. visva all, sarva whole, 6ka one are partially pronominal,differing only in taking m instead of d in the N. A. s. n.Thus:Sing.D. visvasmai.' Ab. visvasmad.^ L. visvasmin.^^The RV. has tlie nominal forms D. visvaya, Ab. vfsvat, L. vi'ilve,once each.i2

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