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MacDonnell II - Wilbourhall.org

MacDonnell II - Wilbourhall.org


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198 CONJUGATION [168-169ksay-5,ya) ; ji conquer and ^ri reaort stibstitute a for i :ja-p^ya cause 1oconquer, sra-p&ya raise?-3 The root bhi fear forms the quite anomalous causative stembh i - s - dya /r«^/« fen .4. The roots pa drink and pya swell add aya with interposed y :pay-fiya cause 1o drink and pyay-d,ya fill iip. This isprobably to beexplained by the assumption that the original form of these roots waspai and pyai.5. The vowel of grabh (irasp is weakened by Samprasiirana grbh-fiya:grasp while that of dus; spoil is lengthened diis-^ya, id. The:root pf.fiJl, owing to its initial labial, forms its causative with medialu for a :piir-^ya, fulf I. <strong>II</strong>. Desideratives.169. The deslderative, which is the least common of thesecondary conjugations, is formed from the root with anaccented reduplicative syllable and the suffix sa. This sa isnever added with a connecting i in the RV., nor, with thesingle exception of pi-pat-i-sa, in the AV,, ji-jiv-i-sa in theVS., and ji-gam-i-sa in the TS.' The desiderative is formedfrom fewer than sixty roots in the Samhitas and from morethan thirty additional ones in B, It is inflected like verbsof the first conjugation (132).The accent being on the reduplicative syllable, the root asa rule remains unchanged ;e. g. da give: di-da-sa desire togive bhid cleave : bi-bhit-sa; ;ni lead : ni-ni-sa ; guh hide :ju-guk-sa (62 a, 69 a) bhu he : bu-bhu-sa; ;drs see : didrk-sa.But1. final i and u are lengthened, and r becomes ir ;e. g.ji conquer: ji-gi-sa ;sru hear: su-sru-sa; kr mahe: cikir-sa,2. final a is in three roots reduced (cp. 171, 3) to i and in'In B. the root ruh. rise,even though ending in a consonant, takespaya after dropping its h : ro-paya raise (beside roh-dya),^In B. about a dozen other roots form their desiderative stemthus ; 6, g. ei-kram-i-sa, ji-grah-i-sa, vi-vid-i-sa (vid know), &c.

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