Modern Engineering Thermodynamics

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638 CHAPTER 15: Chemical <strong>Thermodynamics</strong><br />


ax<br />

hy<br />

ax hy ax hy ax hy ax hy<br />

FIGURE 15.14<br />

Grove’s fuel cell/battery.<br />

Fuel cell technological development continued sporadically throughout the 19th century until the dramatic technological<br />

developments produced by the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847–1931). Edison’s development of the lightbulb<br />

and associated electrical generating and distribution system technology completely dominated the development of<br />

electrical technology for 50 years. Beginning in the 1960s, with the emergence of the United States space program, interest<br />

in fuel cell technology was rekindled and its development continues today. The outstanding energy conversion capability of<br />

fuel cells plus their low pollution potential and wide variety of operating fuels make fuel cells one of the leading contenders<br />

for heat engine replacement in the 21st century.<br />

and if the system has isothermal boundaries at temperature T b , then the entropy rate balance gives its heat transport<br />

rate as<br />

_Q = T b<br />

∑<br />

out<br />

_m i s i −∑<br />

in<br />

! !<br />

_m i s i − _S P = T b ∑ _n i s i −∑ _n i s i − _S P<br />

out in<br />

Combining these two equations and using the definition of the molar specific Gibbs function, g = h − Ts, gives<br />

_W = ∑<br />

in<br />

= ∑<br />

in<br />

= ∑<br />

in<br />

_m i ðh − T b sÞ i<br />

−∑<br />

out<br />

_m i ðh − T b sÞ i<br />

− T b<br />

_S P<br />

_n h − T b s −∑ _n<br />

i i h − T b s i − T b S _ P<br />

(15.40)<br />

out<br />

_n i g i −∑ _n i g i − T b<br />

_S P<br />

out<br />

where we assume that the temperature of the fuel cell reactants and products are the same as the system boundary<br />

temperature (i.e., T R = T P = T b ). Note that the second law of thermodynamics requires that _S P ≥ 0:<br />

We can now calculate the “reaction efficiency,” η r , with the following general formula:<br />

η<br />

The desired result<br />

_W<br />

_W<br />

r = =<br />

=<br />

What it costs<br />

_m i h i<br />

or<br />

η r =<br />

∑<br />

in<br />

_m i g i −∑<br />

out<br />

_m i h i −∑<br />

out<br />

∑<br />

in<br />

∑<br />

in<br />

_m i g i − T b<br />

_S P<br />

_m i h i −∑<br />

out<br />

_m i h i<br />

=<br />

∑<br />

in<br />

∑<br />

in<br />

∑<br />

in<br />

_n i h i −∑ _n i h i<br />

out<br />

_n i g i −∑ _n i g i − T b<br />

_S P<br />

out<br />

(15.41)<br />

_n i h i −∑ _n i h i<br />


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