The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology - Saint Mary ...

The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology - Saint Mary ...

The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology - Saint Mary ...


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as to have reached error, <strong>and</strong> not truth by it, then, as a faithful Church, after<br />

due admonition, <strong>and</strong> opportunity for repentance have been given us in<br />

vain, she is bound to cast us forth, to purify her own communion, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

make it impossible for us, in her name, to injure others. As the individual,<br />

in exercising the right of private judgment, is in peril of abusing it, the<br />

Church has the right, <strong>and</strong> is bound by the duty, of self-defence against that<br />

abuse. <strong>The</strong> right of private judgment is not the right of Churchmembership,<br />

not the right of public teaching, not the right of putting others<br />

into an equivocal attitude to what they regard as truth. A free Protestant<br />

Church is a Church, whose ministry <strong>and</strong> membership, accepting the same<br />

rule of faith, have, in the exercise of their private judgment upon it, reached<br />

the same results as to all truths which they deem it needful to unite in<br />

confessing. After all the intricacies into which the question of, What are<br />

fundamentals? has run, there can be no practical solution better than this,<br />

that they are such truths, as in the judgment of the Church, it is necessary<br />

clearly to confess; truths, the toleration of the errors opposing which, she<br />

believes to be inconsistent with her fidelity to the Gospel doctrine, to her<br />

own internal harmony <strong>and</strong> highest efficiency. <strong>The</strong> members <strong>and</strong> ministry<br />

of such a Church must have "one faith," as they have one Lord, one<br />

Baptism, <strong>and</strong> one God. Apart from the "unity of the faith," <strong>and</strong> the "unity<br />

of the knowledge of the Son of God," every striving to reach "unto a<br />

perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ," will<br />

be vain; thus only can Christian men "henceforth be no more children,<br />

tossed to <strong>and</strong> fro, <strong>and</strong> carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the<br />

sleight of men, <strong>and</strong> cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to<br />

deceive."<br />

Use <strong>and</strong> abuse of the right of private judgment.<br />

A great deal is claimed under the right of private judgment, which is<br />

a most impudent infringement of that right. A man is a Socinian, a<br />

Pelagian, a Romanist. Very well. We maintain, that no civil penalties<br />

should restrain him, <strong>and</strong> no ecclesiastical inquisition fetter him. Give him,<br />

in its fullest swing, the exercise of his right of private judgment. But your<br />

Socinian insists on such a recognition by Trinitarians as logically implies,<br />

that they either agree with him in his

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