The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology - Saint Mary ...

The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology - Saint Mary ...

The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology - Saint Mary ...


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among them, but perfectly joined together in the same mind <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

same judgment."<br />

But, with all, <strong>and</strong> in all, <strong>and</strong> above all, we wish to send forth men,<br />

who shall be living illustrations of the power of the gospel they preach;<br />

men, who shall show the oneness <strong>and</strong> stability of a true faith, ready to yield<br />

preferences to secure principles, to make the sacrifices of love to the<br />

consciences of the weak in things indifferent, <strong>and</strong> to st<strong>and</strong> as the anvil to<br />

the beater under the strokes of obloquy <strong>and</strong> misrepresentation. We wish<br />

men, who will have the mind of Jesus Christ, thrilling in every pulse with<br />

love to souls; men that will seek the lowliest of the lowly, men filled with<br />

the spirit of missions, men of self-renunciation; men open as the day, men<br />

that abhor deceit, who use great plainness of speech, who speak the truth<br />

in love; men who are first pure, then peaceable, "gentle to all men," not<br />

self-willed, not soon angry, yet in conflict with the "many unruly <strong>and</strong> vain<br />

talkers <strong>and</strong> deceivers, rebuking them sharply, that they may be sound in<br />

the faith;" men so glowing with love of the gospel, so clear in their<br />

judgment as to its doctrines, so persuaded that life <strong>and</strong> death, heaven <strong>and</strong><br />

hell, hang upon its pure proclamation, that they shall be ready to say:<br />

"Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you,<br />

let him be accursed," <strong>and</strong> again, in the very power of the apostle's iteration:<br />

"As I said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel<br />

unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." It is in the<br />

simple Biblical faith, in the incorrupt, profound, <strong>and</strong> self-harmonizing<br />

system of doctrine, in the historical caution <strong>and</strong> thoroughness, in the heartfelt<br />

piety, in the reverential spirit of worship, in the holy activity which<br />

reaches every want of the souls <strong>and</strong> bodies of men, in fidelity in the pulpit<br />

<strong>and</strong> pastoral life, in uncompromising maintenance of sound government, in<br />

all these, which belong to our Church, it is in these the men of the future<br />

should be shaped. We would have them grounded in a thorough<br />

knowledge, an ardent love, a practical exhibition of all that belongs to the<br />

true idea of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of the Evangelical Lutheran<br />

Christian, <strong>and</strong> of the Evangelical Lutheran pastor. But to be worthy of the<br />


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