พจนานุกรม พุทธศาสตร - โรงเรียนทอสี

พจนานุกรม พุทธศาสตร - โรงเรียนทอสี

พจนานุกรม พุทธศาสตร - โรงเรียนทอสี


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เปรต339พรหมkindly speech.เปรต (Peta) a departed being; ghost; ghostbeing;hungry ghost; the ghost of the departed.เปรียญ (Pari¤¤å*, Pàli¤¤å*) one versed or learnedin Pali studies; one who has passed theผรณาปติ (Pharaõàpãti) rapture; diffused rapture.ผรุสวาจา (Pharusavàcà) harsh speech; harshlanguage.ผล (Phala) fruit; result; consequence; effect.ผัสสะ (Phassa) contact; touch; mental impression.ผากราบ (Abhivàdanacela*) cloth for placing theforehead on when bowing down; prostratingcloth.ผาณิต (Phàõita) treacle; molasses; sugar.ผาปา (Pa§sukåla-cãvara, Assàmika-vattha)“Forest Robe”; (probably, ผาปาชา) clothdiscarded in the forest or on a charnelground; discarded cloth; (T,) a robe left forthe monks to take as a discarded cloth. v.(ทอดผาปา) to leave a robe (together withother offerings) for the monks to take as aฝงลูกนิมิต (Sãmànimittanidhàna) ceremony ofdepositing boundary marking stones; burialof boundary markers.พนมมือ (A¤jali§ karoti) v. to lift the joinedpalms as a token of reverence; put thehands together (at the chest or forehead)in salutation.พยากรณ (Vyàkaraõa) answer; explanation;declaration; exposition; prediction.พยาธิ (Byàdhi) disease; sickness; ailment.พยาบาท (Byàpàda) ill-will; hatred; malevolence;aversion.พยายาม, ความ (Vàyàma) effort; exertion; striving;endeavour.ผฝพexamination of any of the seven higher (3 to9) grades of Pali studies; eccl. graduate ofPali studies; Pali graduate; Pali scholar.เปสุญวาท ดู ปสุณวาจา.discarded cloth; hold a Forest-RobePresentation Ceremony.ผาอาบ (Udakasàñikà) a bathing-cloth.ผาอาบนํ้ าฝน (Vassikasàñikà) cloth for therains; rains-cloth.ผูกสีมา (Sãmàsammati) v. to establish theboundary of the Sangha communion area. n.consecration of the Assembly Hall boundary.เผดียง (Nimanteti) v. to invite (monks), especiallyfor a collective action.เผยแผ (Pakàsana, Vipulakaraõa) propagation;dissemination; spreading.แผเมตตา (Mettàya pharaõà) radiation ofloving-kindness. v. to wish others (or allbeings) to be well and happy.แผสวนกุศล ดู ปตติทาน, อุทิศกุศล.โผฏฐัพพะ (Phoññhabba) tangible object.ฝาบาตร (Pattapidhàna) lid or cover for analms-bowl; alms-bowl lid.พร (Vara) boon; blessing; favour.พรต (Vata) ascetic practice; religious observance.พรมนํ้ ามนต (Parittodaka-abbhukkiraõa*; ~-si¤cana*) to sprinkle the holy water.พรรษา (Vassa) a year; rainy season; therains; rains-retreat; rains-residence; theBuddhist Lent.พรหม (Brahma) 1. (in Hinduism) Brahma; theCreator; the Universal Self. 2. (inBuddhism) a divine being of the FormSphere or of the Formless Sphere; brahma

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