Resolutions - Jersey City

Resolutions - Jersey City

Resolutions - Jersey City


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..c. !7.1 PlAl CI 1m8U FOContractor InstructionsBusiess enties (contrct) reiving contracts ûom a public agency th ar NOT awared purant to11 "fair and op" process (defined at ~J.S.A. 19:44A-20.7) ar subject to the prvisions ofP.L. 2005, c.271,5.2 QU.S.A. 19:44A~20.26). This law provides that 10 days pnor to the award of such a contrt, thecontrctor shal disclose contrbutons to:. of the. any State, county, or municipal committ of a politica par ,. any legislate learShip committ.. an contiuing politica committ (a.k.a., political action committee). any candidate committee of a cadidate for, or holder of, an elective offce:o of the public enti awarg the contracto of th coun in which that public entity is locteo of anotec public entit wiia ifat countycounty .o or of a legislative distCt in which tht public entity is located or, when thepublic enty is a county, of any legislative distct which includes all or parThe disclosu must list reportle contrbutons to any of th committ that exced $300 per ~lectioncycle that were made durng thc 12 months pòor to award ofthe contrt. Se N.J.S.A. 19:44A-8 andI 9:44A-16 for more detls on reportble contributions. .N.J.S.A. 52:34-2S(b) itemiz the paies frm whom contrbutons must be disclosed when a businessentity is not a nat persn. This includes thefollowing: .· individuals with an "interest" ownerhi or control of more th 100/0 of the profits or asseofa business entity or 10% of the stk in th cas ofa business entity tht is a corationforprfit· all prncipals, paer, offcer, or dirtors of the business entity or their spouse. any subsidiares dirtly or indir contlled by the businss entity· IR Code Setion 527 New Jersy based organizations dirtly or indiretly contlled bythe business entity and fiing as continuingpoJitical committees, (PACs).When the buines entity is a nat person "a contributon by tht peon's spous or child. reidingtherwit, shaU be deeed to be a contrbuton by the business entity." tN.l.S.A. 19:44A-20.26()) Theconbibutor mus be list on the disclosur.Any business entity that fails to coply with th disclos provisions shal be subject to a fi imposeby ELEC in an amount to be detrmined by th Comission which ma be ba upon th amount thatthe busine enti failed to rert.ì1 enclose list of agecies is prvided to assist th contrtor in identifying those public agencies whoselected offcial anor cadida capaign committs ar afec by th discloSW'requirement. It is thcontrtor's reponsibili to identif the spific coitts to which contrbuons may havc ben madean nee to be disclC*. The dislos information may exce thc minum reuireent.Th enclose fonn a contet-csistt facsimilo, or an elenic da file cotaining the reuire detls(along with a signed cover sbc) may be use as th cotrctr's submission and is dislosble to thepublic under th Opn Public ReOrds Act.The contrctor must alsocopJet the atthed Stockhlder Disclosur Cerifcaion. 'This will assist theagency in meeting it obligations unr the law. .. NJ.S.A 19:44A-3(s):' "Te tem "legilatie leaderip commit" meas a committesJihc aut tobe esli or doign byth Pride ofdie Seat, th Minri Le of th Sen, th Speaker of thGencnd Asbly or th Mi Leeroftb Gene A,ly put to smoo 16 ofP.L.J99, c.6S(C~ i 9:44A-10.l) for th pu ofreivig c,lrbuon an mag exdis. .. '

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