Resolutions - Jersey City

Resolutions - Jersey City

Resolutions - Jersey City


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SEP-02-2009 WED 12: 22 PM EXTEL COMM FAX NO, 9734270008 p, 02!)(,'F (Ii.' i.ioon i (,: 1~JPri H' U~SEf~,)F.T fAx. _.~.. .... .'" ....__.., ¡:. ¡:'...' I"iI,I iIiEXHIBlf A (Cot¡t)Tht: (:(,n\r)li'lor eir Sl1hr.Ol~lrad(l\' Lr,~,~~ to iiil'(tr11 in wriling its ~PPJ'pri:ie rcc:ruimicnt al,er1~i.\~ i-duc.ìne-., h Ii\otii(ii,l(~\j 1(1, ~I\ipli)ym,:i;i a~;t.iicie:f phccnJ1:nl..blll'~:nLJ~;, l~lJ\lc;g~'~l iinivcrsitieil,'ìlabor uniom. ùi:it ~i: lacs.i'o\ck:, rÌti1ln:,1c ('111h.. ki:,r~, of :'W"'Il~rC'.~d. color. l1iifÌl1;:i1 oriL,¡n, am~o:stry, nl~1rilt\1 ~t:ii\)~, affecilOn.: or sc)(mLI r 'I.,o:r.,r.ioi:. fflIJI'¡ ii,kiiiil)' I.'. i;Xpl ~~i~ii)ni disabilily. n:il.;()naliiy or ~;cx, al1,I.lh:ii it \..¡II (ji~coiiiiti\!i :lie us.~. "lf~ '~i'r.:'I\:i!;\I~I:( cl¡;,,,\ic.~I,",1',¡ \ 1 t:\";\i.b in din:,1 eiY indir.:C't discriiiinaiö;'y liracticl:5..'n~1J CO¡¡lr:I(\l!x or :ì\b,l¡¡tnicll.r lU~I:5 1\) r(:vi'::~ ¡my of its lCstiiig pi'octdi1rc5. i r nece~~:iry, l ci :is: 'we tli,)f k 11i.kGi'.;¡olu I i)It: hOII'~II('~litle COiif'OI'1\ \\ it h nl)l. prine ¡pks Qf joli.l'~l(lte-d 1~'Riìnß, as ~wibl ¡shed by the si~t\l(c. and ('.(u~l '.:~('.i:;¡¡)I"S i,fiJ;i Slul~ lIrN~~w 11:1:,\ r iHid:i'ö c:st:iblisbi,d by 3p¡ilicnbfc Fcdcrli113\V ai)d iipplicalile: i ~cll:n11 i:qiir,IT) l',:l\lf;)l'lliin¡( wiåi th.: 1ilrild:',. l':'l1pl())'rtlt:nt gl;:\I.~, th.: r(1iitriiciOr cr slibcolnr.1C\Or agrees tillt'i' ßW ?Jt rice: '::1\\l~SI'd:;l iii¡p.tl lJíin.\(cr, I.H.r:I,:li)l:~1 :1 IwlifradÎiII(: and layofrto em,iire ih3l all sudi aei itJl\s r*~ ta~\~ii ,..ithout ~~i!;i:d tù/If';:, cr\',('d, c.~h\l', n:)lioii~.l i:,ri~~iì ;i1~cl~r',lry, madral sliclIS, alfcctiolì~l or s(;xuiil uril~l1tatiM.i~cniJ, j'iilel1tl¡y:l:o:r,r..~ssj(..ni dL,::,\1iliL;¡. 1\;,r.ioil:¡I.'. Qr sr.x, C(iri"iw~nt wiih ¡he ~,I;ilui.s iirid Goiiri d..ci~ions ofrhi:~; at~ OrT1all, Jbr3~YI~,nd ¡1YF\ì(:'ihl". t(;cJel',ilibw,.Im:J iPlicilblO Feder",! Cotin ckcisíOIH. .'j' Ii;; t,1lIt(,,1':;IOl :;hall ~lilJlnii.IQ .1 ,~ public ;'f'CI\C,y, afhir Ilotific¡¡1iori or nwud but prior to elCt (iiti. n of:i ri;iø(;",!; :ri1r;,:rvii.'''H c\lri1i'u:t, iliW Ofiliu foll f\vini: ihn;i. d(.CllliCnls:í ¡1..~I~lI:r.of ¡:cd.:~~c1 Afliun \¡iYC I\ct.~(iri Plan AppnwnlC~:(lil\(,!¡1i: nrl'.inl'l~)J"~': 'riifcirmaiiofl Rt",portFI,,:plLiy(,l~ Irif¡irfll\linn r. '~P()11 ~\mn AA102lli,.: i:on!'I';irI,l".¡ il'" ii!) siib':úni,~i ¡tor srJdl fL'mis!i Stich (~POl's or other dù,,ul'l1~n(s 10 the ))i..i:iii. i OlPllplilii'l'(.liln:i:l$ 1::i¡u;11 Eiiiploym"l,ii O',p.:nul\iiy!Cornp i janc.: ¡i~ Imay be rcque~t:d by 111t: Di visioi, fro: ~ time k, 1"i'l(C inord,:i' (0) c.:dl) I)ul Ih~ pil P()t.¡;! () t th~s~ n:nfJhlliûn:.. aiìd public ftgcncies shall fiimi~h such i '\f(l' iiition ~,~ 1;1.1~ her(',luc"¡"i:i:1i~ illí~ Dìvìsi(io of hi Iii: C~nltièCl!i Equi'l Eniployiiient Opri;ri~"iity Cuiiipli¡¡ncc f(l~:: mductíi\!:;~:"Üi1P'I;lil(;llln\'r;i;II~~al1oll~viili:pllO;.\i\',11 !:~.§.!l,i:ch:\pt'e!:lQ.nJ.!!!~i!.mln.i~~.m~.'l_Q\lJ~~t.'N..J,!~Ç,~. iL'l1.7 i :TI:I~ lH\lh!I':,:i¡\~!..iJ \,('1l1Ior c.~r:rfi'C$ on lheii' Cliiipany's r('c~ipt, Sloo..Il'dr;c alLd C()Jl"lIjllii,~n( tQ Cl\~~llIYI~KllBIT 1\ .i ! ~iit'lAl"m.:'Hri!.~. fQlJAT. HMr'l,OVMENT OJ)I.O~~n~Nn~y LANGlJl\. ri~i l'tJ.S.A. 10:5..11 N..J.A.C. 17:27hliO\!:, IiI'ofe9slmmt S('.rvlt('~ and (ji:ltl.lll SerV\t~ ConCn\('t.~fMí~ntbt(ll"Y Amrni.iliw Action I.ang\iiigc)The uli(~lm)il~,:iNl 'V1'ì1lor r .wI ¡H'I' aj~r(''.ç tii furnish the l'cquind fQl'ri~ (if t",iileocc i\wl .JlIlli:JS\' ii(l.sthM thi:ir ('(\iiti:a'lh'om(l:ii:l"!~ bid !lhrill be .".:jcd.tiJ lH l1on.i-~j;l)oiisi'tc if said fClntr-.iCi,;, . r¡til~! tilec)iyiiilr with ilie ui¡uin'ii.ïil r of N..'.S.A. 10:5-31 uiid N.J.A.C. 17:27.! r~~P\.\o¡('nil1riVc'S Nnrl1n'lt1r(Print):__ __. __j"....!.! RêIir;~~i~;et S¡l:~~~r!:~'~~:~if¡=~~=~~:'¡;J~~N,II\C of (OllPIU1i:: ~ KJ'Ç \ ~..)~"T~¥ \ '~i-' ,l.,. '-e:'l ~.. 1..\:-)- "3,...... " . ...---,-""I''-"'L~..l~',~-i_'''I'L...'f,Î.¡¡;;-----=-~rî,le: ~-~-Ilii~ =:-r I-i Il i

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