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Conclusions<br />

Over the last decade we have been getting used to treating investment and commercial<br />

activities of the banks together. All this through the universal banking model that dominated<br />

over global financial systems. The comparison of different countries’ history has not justified<br />

decision of such extreme deregulation. Only after the financial crisis 2008 it appeared obvious,<br />

that investment banking and commercial banking come from completely different worlds. It is<br />

therefore not possible to reconcile the interests of the banks and of the public interest. What is<br />

good for the bankers doesn’t need to be favorable for society. It is apparent, that banks<br />

became the sovereigns over public interest. Structural separation is necessary for banks to get<br />

back on their own feet and for the public to regain sovereignty over banks. The positive balance<br />

between presented arguments in favor and against that idea, supported by many official<br />

opinions, should be taken into account as soon as possible in new regulatory framework. But<br />

that will take long way to go. Achieving the intended purpose requires overcoming massive<br />

resistance from the banks and other beneficiaries of the previous order. Unfortunately<br />

governments, in theory being in power to make decisive changes, are currently very weak.<br />

Their independence and power had in fact been severely undermined by transferring effective<br />

control over the economy and consequently over society to the financial sector.<br />

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