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Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

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1. “How can I step back and look at this situation in a way that<br />

serves and empowers me?” Then…<br />

2. “What if I could move beyond this decision-making moment<br />

to a time, mentally, where I am living with the results of<br />

these decisions?” Then, the big question that made all the<br />

difference…<br />

3. “How much better is my life one year from now because of the<br />

action I took today?”<br />

As I saw my life in my mind’s eye one, three, and five years from now,<br />

I saw how much better my life was going to be. Gratitude overwhelmed<br />

me! Gratitude for the power of the choices that I would make today and<br />

that I could now see would dramatically improve my life. This “Gratitude<br />

in Advance” exercise has become an invaluable tool in helping me<br />

to step out into new territory with new faith and belief in myself and<br />

my abilities.<br />

action Step #6 –<br />

be a giVeR<br />

The law of sowing and reaping is definitely alive and well in the universe.<br />

Throughout history, all highly successful people have been great<br />

givers. They’ve consistently given more than anyone else around them.<br />

They’ve given more of themselves, of their time and energy, their efforts,<br />

and their resources. The best in business know that, as far as compensation<br />

goes, it’s a 10 to 1 deal. Winners always give ten times more<br />

value than what they ask in return. Life is just like a boomerang. What<br />

happens when you throw a boomerang? It comes right back to you. If<br />

you throw it with a lot of energy, a lot comes back at you. If you give<br />

out a little, little comes back. How many people do you know who are<br />

giving out a little, yet expecting a lot to come back?<br />

We’ve heard about this in school as the law of cause and effect, or<br />

karma. We’ve heard, “What goes around, comes around” and “As you<br />

sow, so shall you reap.” Successful people realize that giving is a principle<br />

that operates in the universe and it also greatly influences our<br />

success or lack of it. Remember, what you put out will eventually come<br />

back to you, just like the boomerang.<br />


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