Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro


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my work, I realized working under his instructions had stretched my<br />

capacity to think and create in ways I would not have done on my own.<br />

He was a man of a few words and high standards, so I cautioned myself<br />

against expecting glowing praise after he had seen my work. Four days<br />

later, I got a mail from him that said,<br />

“Hi Mfon,<br />

How are you? This is excellent work. I am so proud of you! It was<br />

worth the wait and I can see the hard work.”<br />

I let out a sigh I must have been unconsciously holding in for a long<br />

while. I had done it. I had proved I was worth the investment of time.<br />

From then on, it became commonplace for us to work together on projects.<br />

He called me up for projects and taught me things from his business<br />

I didn’t know. I taught him things from mine he didn’t know. It became<br />

like a partnership, a practical proof of the truth emphasized by Ralph<br />

Waldo Emerson that one of the most beautiful compensations of life is<br />

that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.<br />

When the time came for him to nominate someone for a major project<br />

that involved major corporations and institutions, he said the only person<br />

that he and his partners unanimously agreed on nominating was<br />

me, and all this happened because I chose to ask for help.<br />

I have deliberately chosen not to go into the details of what I needed<br />

help with so as not to lose the essence of the underlying lesson, or have<br />

it associated with any particular field because the potency of the cry for<br />

help is universal, irrespective of what field of business or aspect of life<br />

you require help with.<br />

That singular event in my life taught me the following invaluable lessons<br />

about business success that I now pass on to others.<br />

1. Be HoneSt aBoUt WHere yoU are<br />

You can only reach for help if you honestly appraise yourself or your<br />

business and come to terms with the level you are on and the fact that<br />

you need help to go further. Being ignorant does no good and research<br />

has shown that even ostriches do not hide their heads in the sand. Hence,<br />

in business as in life, truth is best known – no matter how painful it is.<br />


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