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mENTORS IN my lIFE<br />

day, Jim came into my office, closed the door and told me, “You know,<br />

you will go a long way in life if you stop and smell the roses once<br />

in a while.” He then got up and walked out. I thought about what he<br />

had said for several days and decided to ask Jim what he had meant.<br />

He then told me that he had noticed my patience was not what it used<br />

to be, and that I needed to slow down and think things through before<br />

jumping into action. Jim’s knowledge was far beyond his years. I<br />

still get together with him at least once a month, and he always brings<br />

up something I did and we all have a good laugh. Jim taught me to<br />

think things through and ask if you don’t understand. The experiences<br />

learned throughout my years with the Ford Motor Company will always<br />

be etched in my mind. After being taught and mentored by some<br />

of the best, I retired at the age of 53.<br />

After retirement, I was still very active and I wanted to keep busy.<br />

With the knowledge and experience I had gained throughout my school<br />

and work years, I decided to go on a search to purchase a franchise. I<br />

had heard that franchises have a proven record of success and all of<br />

the business practices you need to get started. Before I decided to go<br />

through with it, I called up an old friend who had been a very successful<br />

businessman for many years. I asked him if he thought I should<br />

purchase this franchise and he told me that I was talented enough and<br />

didn’t need to. Well, I didn’t take heed of his advice and clearly thought<br />

I knew it all. At first, everything was going really well. Business was<br />

growing and the outlook was promising, and then the unexpected happened.<br />

The economy took a nose dive. I contacted the franchise and<br />

asked for their advice on what to do next. Their response was something<br />

like, “We haven’t gone through a downturn like this before, so<br />

keep advertising and investing in your business and customers will find<br />

you.” Well, it didn’t work, and after I closed the business, I ran into my<br />

longtime friend who looked at me and calmly asked, “Did you learn<br />

anything?” Well, I sure did. I learned that before you start a business,<br />

you need a mentor who has ‘been there and done it’ before you.<br />

As you go through life, it is amazing the people that cross your path and<br />

have the ability to see a lot more in you than you are able to see in yourself.<br />

The people we meet may come into our lives for short moments<br />

and others may stay around. They may be our family, friends, teachers,<br />

coworkers or just passersby; however, they often guide and teach us a<br />


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