Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro


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5. knoW and teacH yoUr proceSS<br />

Your customer service philosophy and the corresponding process<br />

should be written down so that everyone on the team can learn and follow<br />

it. Every customer should have the same outstanding experience<br />

– regardless of the time of day, day of the week, or team member that<br />

serves them. Lay your customer service process out in vivid detail and<br />

instruct every new team member how to perform it flawlessly.<br />

6. delegate eFFectively<br />

Once you have documented your process and trained your team members,<br />

you must observe your team and ensure they are performing the<br />

process and getting the results you desire for your customers. Business<br />

owners are busy people, and often make the mistake of instructing team<br />

members once, and then are surprised and disappointed to discover that<br />

the team is not performing the tasks as expected. The truth is, most<br />

people need more than one explanation. They need to be educated, observed,<br />

given constructive feedback, and mentored. Observe your team<br />

and continue to coach and provide feedback to them until you get what<br />

you expect. Yes, all this takes time. However, as I tell my clients, it is<br />

short-term pain for long-term gain.<br />

7. aSk yoUr cUStoMerS<br />

The best way to find out why your customers buy from you, or why they<br />

don’t buy, is to ask them. Implement a customer survey process that<br />

will provide periodic feedback on what your customers think about you<br />

and, more importantly, how their tastes and expectations are changing<br />

over time. Customers can be quite fickle these days. What they desire<br />

or how they want to receive it can change very quickly. It is your job to<br />

keep up with your evolving market. Your customers are critical to the<br />

survival of your business. Don’t guess. Guessing is like playing darts<br />

in the dark. Make sure you know what your customers are feeling and<br />

thinking. Ask for their feedback on how you can improve their experience.<br />

Then, act on their feedback.<br />

8. toUcH tHeM deeply<br />

Your customer service process is about creating an experience that<br />

moves your customer on an emotional level. It unmistakably tells your<br />


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