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Within a year, I went from being a rookie to a manager with fifteen<br />

trainees. By 1998, I formed my first company. By the end of 2000, I had<br />

earned my first million dollars and was expanding across the country.<br />

I had more than 250 sales agents on my team. Then, another couple of<br />

years later, I had my first major ‘falling out’ in business. My mentor left<br />

and took our clients with him. He even tried recruiting my own brother.<br />

I didn’t know what hit me. I was totally unprepared.<br />

I fought back by applying the 8 Steps. I didn’t let my emotions bring<br />

me down. I rebuilt. I knew direct marketing worked. I just had to finetune<br />

my vision, my purpose, my why. I knew leadership was key. I<br />

recommitted to leading by example. I’ve rolled with the blows of many<br />

other ‘ups and downs’ on the rocky road to success. I have my battle<br />

scars, but most of my wounds were self-inflicted. Whatever your goals<br />

are, success is really an inside job.<br />

Over the years, my obsession with being early translated into being in<br />

the right place at the right time. My team and I went from marketing<br />

flashlights on the eve of Y2K to a client list that included Fortune 500<br />

companies, as well as the imaginative products born of new markets<br />

from energy, telecommunications, and fiber optics to the jazzy, hightech<br />

marvels that define life on the cutting edge. I developed a knack<br />

for finding products and bringing them to consumers who didn’t even<br />

know they existed as yet.<br />

There’s no stopping a man who’s found a purpose. When I started out, I<br />

was driven by a healthy dose of fear. I knew I wasn’t cut out for a nineto-five<br />

job, but I didn’t want to walk the destructive paths so many in my<br />

neighborhood had taken. I wanted financial success so that I could make<br />

a better life for my whole family. In time, money wasn’t enough of a<br />

motivator. I grew into a larger purpose. Today, I’m driven by love: I love<br />

what I do, and I love the people I do it with. I’ve become a Go-giver not<br />

just a Go-getter. I learned that by giving more of myself and being more<br />

generous with profit shares, I gained on all fronts. If you think about it,<br />

that’s not a contradiction. People are life’s true bottom line.<br />

Take care of your team and your team will take care of you. In our<br />

network, we know that. We’re loyal to each other and that makes everything<br />

possible. Our business has expanded into a multitude of businesses<br />

and our team keeps growing.<br />


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