Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro


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for ourselves – a “beingness” – and what is also called a self-image –<br />

our self-image of being a financial income earner, a businessman or<br />

businesswoman, etc. We have this specific identity attached mentally<br />

with our financial conditions in life. Our identity might be of someone<br />

that is an incredibly powerful businessperson and able to create<br />

enormous financial results. Or that identity, that beingness, that selfimage<br />

might be one of someone that is always struggling to get by<br />

financially. Of course, it could also fall anywhere in between the two.<br />

Suppose we have a financial identity, a beingness and self-image in<br />

this area, of an individual that is always struggling to get by – which<br />

we inherited as a pattern from our parents or from our role models<br />

growing up. Then no matter how much money we make, whether it<br />

be $50,000 a year or $500,000 a year, we will always unconsciously<br />

set up the conditions in our lives to fulfill that self-image!<br />

Yes – a self-fulfilling prophecy! Our inherited financial pattern and<br />

internal wiring system will put us constantly in the condition of struggling,<br />

constantly in the condition of not having enough money. Regardless<br />

of how much money we make, we will unconsciously set<br />

things up to always “not have enough money,” because that is our<br />

primary programming, our primary identity/beingness, i.e., our selfimage<br />

in that area of life.<br />

An important note is that ALL our self-images, identities and patterns<br />

are on autopilot –creating and setting up situations and circumstances<br />

through our unconscious behaviors in every area of our life, because<br />

the primary function of our unconscious programs is to help and support<br />

our survival. Yes! These programs and unconscious identities<br />

always have a positive intention automatically to help us survive better…even<br />

if they are actually creating the 180º opposite of our desired<br />

results in life!<br />

To change an unwanted condition in our lives permanently, we must<br />

first become aware of what our specific, unproductive pattern (the<br />

cause) is for that condition, whether it’s our financial life as an income<br />

earner or a relationship partner, etc. What patterns and programs<br />

do we currently have, for example, for our financial condition?<br />

… our financial identity? … and how do we identify them? It is really<br />

fairly easy; just take a look at our financial results as of now and the<br />


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