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action Step #7 –<br />

deVelop The habiT of suCCess<br />


In Dr. Maxwell Maltz’ groundbreaking book, Psychocybernetics, we<br />

learn what it takes to form a new habit. Habits are things we do naturally<br />

and automatically, without thinking. These habits have been conditioned<br />

into us and come directly from our subconscious mind. According<br />

to Dr. Maltz, if we want to change our lives, we must begin<br />

to form new habits. In other words, we must change the things we do<br />

automatically, without thinking about them. Behavioral scientists tell<br />

us that it is possible to recondition or form new habits within 21 days.<br />

In order to develop the habit of success by utilizing the success strategies<br />

and action steps laid out in this chapter, you must condition these<br />

new responses, or new ways of thinking and acting, for at least 21 days.<br />

In order for this new information to change your life, it must become<br />

habit in your life. Success never happens by chance, but it does leave<br />

clues. The success strategies and action steps in this chapter have been<br />

utilized by some of the most successful people in the world. If we know<br />

these techniques work, who are we to try and reinvent the wheel?<br />

What we’re talking about here is thinking and acting in a certain way, a<br />

way that produces successful results. There exists a successful thoughtprocess,<br />

one that highly successful people do “inside their heads” that<br />

causes them to take the actions they do. Let’s develop a habit of success<br />

by building new habits and new ways of thinking and acting, because<br />

thinking and action guarantee success and results.<br />

We all have greatness within us as well as an untapped gold mine of<br />

potential just waiting to be unearthed. Make the decision today to bring<br />

forth the very best of who you are.<br />

“God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you will ever use in<br />

this lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop as much of that talent and<br />

ability as you can in this lifetime.”<br />

~ Steve Bow<br />


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