Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro

Front - AZ Teambuilding sro


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“You go home and rest,” she said, kindly. “Doctors are not God,” she<br />

whispered in my ear so that the doctor who had returned could not hear.<br />

The doctor made sure I got no help at all as I walked out of the room.<br />

As I walked down that long corridor by myself, I felt the warmth of<br />

the heavily oozing blood and remembering what the doctor said, “you<br />

could walk out into that hallway and drop dead.”<br />

Yet I chose to dwell on the fact that I knew that I had heard God speak<br />

to me, and I was giving my baby the chance to “live” – to “push to the<br />

front” and for me to “push to the front,” and not “lose” this precious gift.<br />

It was a long, long drive home from the hospital that night. As my<br />

husband and I drove along the dark winding, lonely streets of Prince<br />

George’s County, my body feeling the effects of the amount of blood<br />

I had lost yet we held hands declaring the faithfulness of God. I held<br />

back the hot, stinging tears that welled up and demanded to be released.<br />

My mind began to race with thoughts of the words that doctor, the “expert”<br />

had spewed out of his mouth, “You are putting your life in jeopardy<br />

if you walk out of here without this procedure!” I felt my husband’s<br />

hand grasp mine even tighter and again decreed, “God is faithful. God<br />

is worthy to be praised.” I washed the words that had been spoken by<br />

that doctor out of my heart with God’s word. I reflected on the Friday<br />

Night Praise Service we attended the night before. I thought about the<br />

tithe and the offering I had given during the Service. “I gave my tithe,<br />

Lord,” I said, “I gave an offering to you, Jesus.” It was my custom to<br />

give my tithes and offerings at our Sunday Worship Services. At our<br />

Services during the week, I would give an offering however the tithe I<br />

presented to my Heavenly Father on Sundays. This Friday service was<br />

different. I was impressed to give my tithes that Friday night at church<br />

service. Even though I did not understand why, I believed that it was<br />

the Holy Spirit leading me – and the Holy Spirit leads and guides in all<br />

truth and wisdom – I obeyed that leading.<br />

As I reflected on the paying of my tithe, the many promises about the<br />

tithe and the power of the tithe filled my mind and heart.<br />

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in<br />

my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I<br />

will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much<br />


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