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sales people should be easy to find. In fact they are correct, sales people<br />

are easy to find; GREAT SALES PEOPLE however, not so easy. In addition<br />

business owners may believe the popular myth that great sales<br />

people are born, not made. While I agree that it is true some individuals<br />

have behavioural styles that appear to make them sales naturals, effective<br />

selling in today’s marketplace requires so much more.<br />

2) Establish Clear Accountabilities/Deliverables: the second critical<br />

element of building a strong sales team is to develop a thorough list of<br />

activities your salespeople need to accomplish in order to be successful.<br />

Focus on the job itself rather than the individual that may currently<br />

be in the role.<br />

Ask yourself:<br />

1. What are the most important things I need my sales person<br />

to accomplish that will significantly grow my business?<br />

2. Do I need my reps focused on nurturing and growing the<br />

business from existing clients or is the focus on new client<br />

acquisition?<br />

3. Is the salesperson responsible for creating leads (marketing),<br />

selling and closing prospects, after sales service?<br />

Develop an exhaustive list then select the 5 most<br />

important activities.<br />

Now it is time to review your current staff and make sure that they meet<br />

all of your criteria. If yes, fantastic you have some STARS; if not its<br />

time to make a change.<br />

When hiring sales people, I strongly recommend using behavioural assessment<br />

tools (such as D.I.S.C. or P.I.A.V. 1 ) to assist in your analysis<br />

of candidates. Focus on individuals that have demonstrated high levels<br />

of achievement and commitment to excellence. Look for applicants<br />

that demonstrate strong sales skills during the interview. They Develop<br />

Trust, they ask Great Questions, they Listen well, they Uncover<br />

Needs, they Provide a Solution and they Ask for the job. Always<br />

check references! This extra work is well worth it.<br />

1. D.I.S.C. is an assessment that classifies four aspects of behaviour, “How You Act”<br />

P.I.A.V is an assessment that explores your passions, “Why You Act”<br />


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