ZBORNIK - Matica srpska

ZBORNIK - Matica srpska

ZBORNIK - Matica srpska


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kom kreativnog tumaåewa pravnih normi. Hybris bi za to mogao<br />

biti dobar primer. Jer, ako je proklamovani ciq savremenog<br />

društva i poÿeqna tendencija demokratskih drÿava neprestana<br />

ekspanzija u nomenklaturi i zaštiti qudskih prava,<br />

briga o zaštiti liånosti i dostojanstva åoveka, poveãana zaštita<br />

socijalno nemoãnih i hendikepiranih (obiåno kroz<br />

pozitivnu diskriminaciju), onda bi poznavawe i razumevawe<br />

naåina na koji je te ciqeve još šire ostvarivala demokratska<br />

Atina, štiteãi åak i robove od obesnog ponašawa, moglo samo<br />

biti od koristi.<br />

I najzad, nemoguãe je oteti se utisku da je inkriminisawe<br />

obesnog ponašawa koje ima elemente hybris-a, kako ga je videlo<br />

atinsko pravo, moglo imati i vaÿnu preventivnu, a ne samo<br />

retributivnu funkciju, amortizujuãi nagon za trenutnom,<br />

ÿestokom emotivnom reakcijom zbog povreðene åasti i ugleda,<br />

koja vodi u produbqivawe konflikta i moguãe nesagledive<br />

posledice. Umesto samopomoãi, kojoj i danas u takvim situacijama<br />

åesto pribegava onaj åiji su ugled i åast pogoðeni,<br />

atinski pravni sistem nudi mawe riziåan, a dovoqno izvestan<br />

put za wihovu zaštitu.<br />

Sima Avramoviã<br />



Summary<br />

After a short introductory examination of the Athenian sources and<br />

the actual literature on hybris, the author defines the offense of hybris by<br />

six objective and subjective elements: hybris is unruly and wild conduct<br />

liable to prosecution by means of “public action" — graphe; its effect is<br />

humiliation and dishonor of another person; the act is performed with intention<br />

and will to produce shame and discredit of iwured person; the offender<br />

carries out the act for his pleasure and without grounds; it is usually<br />

performed by a person superior to the victim; physical assault is not necessary,<br />

as hybris may be effected by other means. He particularly stresses<br />

that Athenians perceived hybris not only as an offence against the iwured<br />

person, but against the polis itself. In the second part he compares hybris<br />

with the actual criminal offences of insult, violent behavior, and mistreatment<br />

and torture, with conclusion that Athenian law protected personal honor<br />

and reputation more profoundly than all three modern criminal offences<br />

jointly. Consequently he suggests that perception of ancient Athenian<br />

law on hybris could facilitate contemporary creative interpretation of law<br />


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