ARUP; ISBN: 978-0-9562121-5-3 - CMBBE 2012 - Cardiff University

ARUP; ISBN: 978-0-9562121-5-3 - CMBBE 2012 - Cardiff University

ARUP; ISBN: 978-0-9562121-5-3 - CMBBE 2012 - Cardiff University


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The modeling of soft tissue structures, for many years, has been carried out using well<br />

established approaches; biphasic and poroelastic theories. In these approaches, tissue is<br />

modeled as a two phase immiscible mixture, consisting of incompressible solid matrix<br />

and fluid phases. The extracellular solid matrix of AC is mainly composed of<br />

proteoglycans (PG) and cross-linked collagen (COL) network, which are predominantly<br />

responsible for mechanical functioning of the cartilage. The proteoglycans, negatively<br />

charged molecules, are mainly responsible for compressive loads, while collagen<br />

network is responsible for shear and tensile loads. The mechanical behavior of the<br />

cartilage is incompressible, nonlinear and anisotropic due to the presence of oriented<br />

collagen fibers. Frequently, phenomenological strain- energy functions for solid matrix<br />

combined with the Darcy law for fluid flow are used to model the mechanics of soft<br />

tissues (Baaijens et al., 2010, Klisch et al 2009, Davol et al., 2008). COMSOL<br />

Multiphysics have been gaining attention in recent years to model the complex<br />

biological processes in soft tissues. The long term objective of the present work is to<br />

develop an ACGM similar to the reported model from Ficklin et al. (2009), Klisch et al.,<br />

(2008) by including more realistic knee condyle geometry with the metal implant filling<br />

the assumed defect site in the cartilage and considering dynamic loading situations.<br />

From this model, we want to investigate the effect of mechanical factors and role of<br />

metal implant, which is applied at the defect site to regenerate the articular surface, on<br />

the growth of cartilage around the implant.<br />


In the biphasic theory, articular cartilage is composed of a mixture of extracellular<br />

matrix, composed of proteoglycans and collagens, as the porous solid phase and<br />

interstitial fluid as the fluid phase. Denoting the whole volume of mixture as V, the<br />

volume fraction of each constituent is given by<br />

<br />

, ,,,<br />

<br />

with subscripts , are for proteoglycans, collagens of solid matrix and is for<br />

fluid phase , respectively. The saturation condition in the cartilage holds as <br />

1, where is solid volume fraction equals to . The porosity of<br />

the model is equal to fluid volume fraction of the mixture ( ).<br />

The total stress acting at a point in the tissue is given by the sum of the solid and fluid<br />

stresses,<br />

where is the effective stress tensor of the solid phase and is the fluid<br />

stress. The extracellular solid phase majorly constitutes proteoglycans and collagens;<br />

therefore the solid phase stress is equal to the sum of individual constituents,<br />

Stress due to other constituents is neglected. The stress equilibrium equation is <br />

0, and the continuity equation (law of conservation of mass) for the mixture is<br />

given by<br />

kp 0<br />

where, is the velocity of the solid phase, is the hydrostatic fluid pressure from the<br />

fluid phase and is the permeability, /. The strain dependent permeability can be<br />

expressed in terms of void ratio, / , as

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