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98 M. Serrano Ríos, L. Serrano Sordo<br />


Síndrome metabólico<br />

1. Gallagher EJ, LeRoith D, et al. The Metabolic<br />

Syndrome: From Insulin Resistance to Obesity<br />

and Diabetes. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am.<br />

2008; 37: 559-579.<br />

2. Whelan DM, Roy RC. Diseases of aging that<br />

emerge from the metabolic syndrome. Anesthesiol<br />

Clin. 2006; 24(3): 599-619.<br />

3. Corbaton Anchuelo A, Cuervo Pinto R, Serrano<br />

Ríos M. Síndrome metabólico: Una gran epidemia<br />

en el anciano. En: Ribera Casado JM, Gil<br />

Gregorio P (eds.). La diabetes mellitus tipo 2: Un<br />

problema geriátrico en alza. Clínicas Geriátricas.<br />

Madrid: Editores Médicos; 2004. p. 45-62.<br />

4. Lorenzo C, Serrano Ríos M. Epidemiology of the<br />

metabolic syndrome. En: Serrano Ríos M, Caro<br />

J, Carraro R, Gutiérrez Fuentes JA (eds.).The metabolic<br />

syndrome at the beginning of the XXIst<br />

Century. Ámsterdam: Elsevier; 2005. p. 110-123.<br />

5. Grundy SM, Brewer B, Cleeman JI, et al. Definition<br />

of metabolic syndrome NHLBI/ AHA Conference<br />

Proceedings. Circulation 2004; 109: 433-<br />

438.<br />

6. Lechleitner M. Obesity and the metabolic syndrome<br />

in the elderly–a mini-review. Gerontology.<br />

2008; 54(5): 253-259.<br />

7. Alberti KG, Zimmet P, Shaw J. IDF Epidemiology<br />

Task Force Consensus Group. The metabolic<br />

syndrome: A new worldwide definition. Lancet<br />

2005; 366: 1059-1062.<br />

8. Mazza AD. Insulin resistance syndrome and glucose<br />

dysregulation in the elderly. Clin Geriatr<br />

Med. 2008; 24(3): 437-454.<br />

Obesidad en el anciano<br />

9. James WP.The epidemiology of obesity:The size<br />

of the problem. J Intern Med. 2008; 263: 336-<br />

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10. Zamboni M, Mazzali G, Zoico E, Harris TB, Meigs<br />

JB, et al. Health consequences of obesity in the<br />

elderly: a review of four unresolved questions.<br />

Int J Obes (Lond). 2005; 29(9) :1011-1029.<br />

11. Gallagher D,Visser M, Sepulveda D, Pierson RN,<br />

Harris T. How useful is body mass index for comparison<br />

of body fatness across age, sex, and ethnic<br />

groups? Am J Epidemiol. 1996; 143(3): 228-<br />

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12. Moreno B, Foz Sala M. La obesidad como factor<br />

de riesgo cardiovascular. En: Aranceta J, Foz M,<br />

Gil B (eds.). Obesidad y riesgo cardiovascular.<br />

Estudio Dorica. Editorial Médica Panamericana;<br />

2005. p 49-60.<br />

13. Foz M. Enfermedades crónicas asociadas a la<br />

nutrición: La obesidad como pandemia en nutrición<br />

y alimentación. Nuevas perspectivas.En:<br />

Serrano Ríos M, Mateos Guardia JA (eds). Madrid:<br />

McGraw-Hill-Interamericana; 2008. p. 55-82.<br />

14. Aranceta J, Pérez-Rodrigo C, et al. Prevention<br />

of overweight and obesity: A spanish approach.<br />

Public Health Nut. 2007; 10: 1187-1193.<br />

15. Flier JF, Maratos Flier E. Obesity. En: Fauci AS,<br />

Braunwald E (eds.). Harrison’s Principles of Internal<br />

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p. 462-468.<br />

16. Ritz P. Obesity in the elderly: should we be using<br />

new diagnostic criteria? J Nutr Health Aging.<br />

2009; 13(3): 168-169.<br />

17. Harrington J, Lee-Chiong T. Obesity and aging.<br />

Clin Chest Med. 2009; 30(3): 609-614.<br />

18. Chapman IM. Nutritional disorders in the elderly.<br />

Med Clin North Am. 2006; 90(5): 887-907.<br />

19. Salihu HM, Bonnema SM, Alio AP. Obesity:What<br />

is an elderly population growing into? Maturitas.<br />

2009; 63(1): 7-12.<br />

20. Janssen I, Bacon E. Effect of current and midlife<br />

obesity status on mortality risk in the elderly.<br />

Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008; 16(11): 2504-2509.<br />

21. Zamboni M, Mazzali G, Fantin F, Rossi A, Di Francesco<br />

V. Sarcopenic obesity: a new category of<br />

obesity in the elderly. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc<br />

Dis. 2008; 18(5): 388-395.<br />

22. Stephen WC, Janssen I. Sarcopenic-obesity and<br />

cardiovascular disease risk in the elderly. J Nutr<br />

Health Aging. 2009; 13(5): 460-466.<br />

23. Risérus U, Ingelsson E. Alcohol intake, insulin<br />

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24. Kyrou I, Tsigos C. Obesity in the elderly diabetic<br />

patients Diabetes Care 2009; 32 (Suppl2).<br />

25. Kennedy RL, Malabu U, Kazi M, Shahsidhar V.<br />

Management of obesity in the elderly: too much<br />

and too late? J Nutr Health Aging. 2008; 12(9):<br />

608-621.<br />

Diabetes mellitus<br />

26. Halter JB. Diabetes Mellitus. En: Hazzard W, Blass<br />

JP, Halter JB, et al, (eds.). Geriatric Medicine, 4th<br />

Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2003. p. 855-873.

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