Hverdagslivets kritik – Økosamfund i Danmark

Hverdagslivets kritik – Økosamfund i Danmark

Hverdagslivets kritik – Økosamfund i Danmark


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and combined in various ways in the individual communities. One is an ecoindustrial<br />

component referring to nature as a model and a standard, strongly inspired<br />

by permaculture design ideals. Another is a nature-centred version of<br />

New Age-spirituality; and the third is a new, locally anchored rural domesticity<br />

based on modern family ideals. The vision is basically about changing the direction<br />

of societal development to establish more sustainable lifestyles without<br />

rolling back the advantages of modernity.<br />

Chapter five analyses the practical work of operationalizing the ecovillage<br />

vision in the process of establishing a new ecovillage. The analysis shows that<br />

the eco-industrial aspect is the easiest to employ in practice, probably because<br />

of its affinities with familiar concerns of effectiveness, saving etc. This was the<br />

only aspect established by the group as a standard against which all private<br />

plans for e.g. choice of heating technologies should be measured. The chapter<br />

also shows the difficulties connected with generalising discussions touching<br />

certain areas of everyday life. In the area of heating technology the group succeeded<br />

in establishing a generally valid standard, but in the area of house size<br />

they did not. This indicates that the house itself has a special status, making it<br />

harder to legitimize subjecting choices influencing the house itself to group approval.<br />

In addition, the analysis demonstrates the non-objective and elusive nature<br />

of the concept of sustainability and how it is easier to reject technologies<br />

on grounds on unsustainability than accept them as sustainable once and for all.<br />

Chapter six analyses the function of meetings in the ecovillages in the light<br />

of widespread frustration over their perceived lack of efficiency. The analysis<br />

indicates that the meetings are actually used for many purposes besides decision-making.<br />

The meeting is an important element in the everyday life of<br />

ecovillages and possibly central in constituting the otherness of ecovillages<br />

compared to other forms of everyday life. It is in the meetings that everyday<br />

practices are or can be confronted with the critical ambitions of the ecovillages.<br />

Ecovillages without meetings would thus no longer be able to claim any potential<br />

of critique as part of their identity. In addition to this, the meetings serve as<br />

a performative demonstration of the central ecovillage ideal of consensual decision<br />

making. Meetings also serve a ritual-like function which helps establish<br />

cohesion in the communities. However, the meetings may also have unintended<br />

and perhaps damaging consequences in that the meeting form favors persons<br />

with particular sets of competences. This may contribute in unintended ways to<br />


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