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Untitled - IRS

Untitled - IRS


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GLOSSAR 259<br />

Expressions<br />

Besetzungsinversion Population Inversion in physics, the redistribution of atomic energy levels that<br />

takes place in a system so that laser action can occur. At finite temperature the relative fraction<br />

of atoms in excited states (population) follows the Boltzmann distribution law with the<br />

majority of atoms in low energy states. Higher levels are less populated. Although absorption<br />

and emission of energy is a continuous process, the statistical distribution (population) of<br />

atoms in the various energy states remains constant. When this distribution is disturbed by<br />

prferentially ‘pumping’atoms to higher energy levels at the cost of lower ones, a population<br />

inversion is achieved in which more atoms will exist in the higher energy states than in the<br />

lower. (Eq. (1.0)) [p. 5]<br />

Breakdown threshold The lowest power density It that suffices to initiate a breakdown for a colloid<br />

of certain properties (size, → MPI cross-section, → ionisation energy). B.t. is also equally<br />

used for the lowest mean power (Pt) of a laser or the lowest pulse energy (Et) which initiates<br />

a breakdown. (Eq. (7.14)) [p. 202]<br />

Brewster Winkel Brewster’s angle. When light passes a transparent surface a certain fraction is<br />

reflected, depending on polarization and angle of incidence. For parallel polarized light (i.e.<br />

polarized in the plane of reflection) the reflection is supressed completely for Brewster’s<br />

angle ΦB, given by tan ΦB = n. (n is the index of refraction). This is because the atoms<br />

polarized by the light wave do not emit radiation perpendicular to their plane of oszillation.<br />

See Figure 3.2 (Eq. (3.23)) [p. 55]<br />

Dispersion, anomale Dispersion, irregular. The refractiv index decreases for increasing frequency<br />

of the light δn/δω < 0. Valid for the far infrared and radio region of the electromagnetic<br />

spectra, for exotic materials in the optical region and optical elements for pulse compression.<br />

(Eq. (4.58)) [p. 134]<br />

Dispersion, normale Dispersion, regular. The refractiv index increases for increasing frequency of the<br />

light δn/δω > 0 which is valid for most materials in the optical range. (Eq. (4.58)) [p. 134]<br />

Divergenz Divergence. The divergence is a measure of spatial beam quality and decribes the angle<br />

of a fan of rays. Unit mrad. (Eq. (2.67)) [p. 36]<br />

Dopplerverbreiterung Doppler broadening. In analogy to the Doppler shift of an acoustic wave,<br />

the observed frequency of light increases (blue shift) when a light source moves towards an<br />

observer (or detector). If, in contrast, the light source moves away from an observer (or<br />

detector) the frequency of the observed light decreases (red shift). In the case of a thermal<br />

gas, the velocity of the atoms follows a Maxwell distribution with random orientation. There<br />

are atoms moving towards or away from the observer, causing red and blue shift of various<br />

extend, respectively. Averaging over a large number of atoms causes a continous broadening<br />

of the atomic emission line, the Doppler broadening. (Eq. (2.44)) [p. 26]<br />

Einsteinkoeffizient Coefficients for spontaneous emission A n m, stimulated emission B n m and absorption<br />

B m n . Refer to the respective symbols. (Eq. (2.11)) [p. 17]<br />

Elastische Streuung Elastic scattering. Scattering process without energy loss (Eq. (3.3)) [p. 44]

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